Chapter Seventy-Nine

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As the final trial approaches, Crowley wasn't happy, needless to say. In fact, he threw in obstacles that stopped them all in their place and turned tail. Crowley, no surprise at all, had been going back and killing off everyone they saved in their years of hunting.

Not only that, the only demon that they could possibly cure was missing now and they had no idea how they were gonna go about the final trial.

"Prosperity?" Cielo questions through the phone as she prepares a bottle for Stella. "You mean the one with the witches with marital problems?"

"Yeah," Sam answered. "We're headed there now, just be on the lookout."

"Always," the girl replied, sealing the bottle closed. "Be careful."

Sam smiles a little bit, staring at the road ahead as Dean drove. "Always," he replies, making a smile creep onto Cielo's face.

"I love you," she tells him. "Call me if you need anything."

"Love you, too," Sam says. "Give Stella a kiss for me."

Once they hang up, Cielo lets out a nervous breath and takes a second to calm her nerves before she grabs the bottle and takes it to Rowan who's in the library with Stella.

He thanks her as he takes the bottle before looking up at her and seeing her nerves. "You okay?" He asks.

"I just got off the phone with Sam," she begins. "Crowley's killing everyone we've saved. And on top of that, Abadon escaped."

"Oh shit," Rowan curses, leaning back in his seat while still cradling Stella. Cielo hums in agreement as she leans on the chair. Rowan stares at her expectantly. "Well?" He questions.

"Well what?"

"What are you still doing here? They need you."

Cielo gapes at Rowan for a beat before she furrows her eyebrows. "I... I can't go."

"Like Hell am I gonna let you stay here," Rowan tells her. "You've been wanting to hunt since the LARPing case. Go. They need your help and you need to get back out there."

Cielo blinks, trying to take in his words. "But... I don't wanna leave Stella," she tells him.

"She's going to be fine," Rowan says. "I'm sure Cas will be back in a little bit. If not, she gets bonding time with Uncle Rowan." Cielo blinks again, glancing down at the baby who was dozing off already. "If it helps, I'll send hourly photos."

Cielo chuckles, nodding. "Yeah, that would help."

"Good, now go."

"Alright, I'm gone," she giggles, holding her hands up in defense as she turns on her heels and walks out of the library to the hallways. She sends a message as she walks, telling Diana to let her know their next stop. Immediately, Diana replies their next location and the time they have remaining. Cielo runs and speeds out of Kansas.


Sam knocks on the door just as Diana tells him that Cielo was on the way. He almost wants to snap at her for letting her come, but the door opens and his eyes widen as he sees Sarah Blake open the door.

She was the last girl he ever "went out with" before he ended up with Cielo. In fact, he hardly even liked her in that sort of way, but still, she was his realization that he wanted Cielo.

"Sarah," he speaks before he can take it back.

Sarah blinks up at him before replying. "Sam?" There could only be one reason why he was standing in front of her and it couldn't be a good reason. "What's going on?"

Maybe Someday; Sam WinchesterWhere stories live. Discover now