Chapter Fifty-Nine

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Cielo, Dean, Diana, and Bobby were all in the study. All of them were being productive, except for Cielo. She took the day off (after fighting Dean on why she deserved a day off when he claimed that hunters didn't get days off. She won) and was laying on the couch with one of her romance books open. She bit her thumbnail as she read, her eyes widening every now and then as her reaction to what was happening in the book.

She didn't know where Sam was, to be honest. He said that he would be back soon, which made none of them worried. Dean wasn't sure if he was ready to go out on his own, but didn't fight him after Sam claimed he would be back in a few minutes, that he just had to run down to the store. Sam pressed a kiss on Cielo's forehead and left, leaving them all there. Which was partly the reason why they were all still together in the room; they were all just waiting on Sam.

After killing Eve and everything kind of calming down as a breather, Cielo and Sam started talking more about their marriage and how they were going to go with it. Cielo suggested a wedding at Bobby's, maybe Castiel as the officiant, but the only issue was that Castiel wasn't answering their prayers or calls. Which, ruled out that one. She then brought up the idea of having someone else officiate it, but they couldn't decide who. Sam went on to say they should pack up and go to Vegas, but Cielo didn't really want to, honestly. But if they couldn't come up with anything else, then they would.

Ideas were still in the air and they promised that they wouldn't do anymore planning until they settled on what type of wedding they would want. At the end of the day, it didn't matter how they got married, just that they became husband and wife.

She smiled a little bit as she thought of the day when it came, but played it off as smiling at the book. As if on cue, her phone pinged in her pocket. It caught the rest's attention and looked over at her as she set her book on her chest and got her phone.

Come outside, the text read. Cielo furrowed her eyebrows, wondering why Sam was asking her to go out when he could come in, but didn't question. He probably wanted to talk to her without the others there. So, she sat up and slipped on her shoes. "Where're you goin'?" Bobby asked her.

"Outside," Cielo replied simply, setting her book next to her. "Sam's out there."

"Why doesn't he just come in?" Dean questions.

Cielo shrugs, "One way to find out."

She leaves her phone with her book and gets up, walking out of the study and to the kitchen, where she goes to the backyard, where she assumes Sam is. He is, standing there, leaning against the post with a nervous expression. "Hey," she says, closing the door behind her and steps onto the cement steps. "What's going on?"

"Nothing," Sam replies. He motions to the door behind her. "I just wanted to talk to you without them around." Called it.

Cielo nods, putting her hands in her back pocket and walks down to where the steps start so that she's closer to Sam. "Okay, what's up?"

Sam clears his throat awkwardly, opening the white plastic bag with Walmart's logo on the front. He pulls out a small box, using his other hand to scrunch the bag up. "So, you know that we don't have a lot of money or anything..."

Cielo nods, squinting her eyes slightly with a small smile, trying to figure out what he was up to. "Yeah..."

"But, um, we're engaged now-" Sam giggles a little bit when he says 'engaged', "-and I didn't want you to not have anything with it."

"Sam?" Cielo questions, her heartbeat racing and her stomach flipping in anticipation.

"I bought you a ring." He opens the small box, showing a ring that could fool people that it was real. Regardless of how much it costed, Cielo gasps, smiling and laughing as she takes the box from him.

"Aw!" She says happily, looking up at Sam as happy tears pool her eyes. "Sam, you didn't have to do that," she tells him, running her thumb over the jewel.

"I know," he says sheepishly, stuffing the crumpled up plastic bag in his pocket. "But, even if we don't have a normal life like everyone else, I wanted some part of this to be normal."

Her vision blurs and she looks back down at the ring. It was a simple ring, a silver band with a fake diamond in the middle. It was perfect. She gingerly takes it out of the box, handing the ring to Sam. "Wanna put it on me?" She asks with a chuckle.

Sam can feel a lump in his throat as he takes the ring and clears his throat. He takes it upon himself to sink onto one knee and look up at Cielo. She laughs, not being able to stop the tears that fall down her cheeks. "Will you, Cielo, accept my redo of a proposal with this five dollar ring from Walmart, and... marry me?"

Cielo giggles, shaking her head and looks down at Sam. "God, you're a hopeless romantic."

Sam shrugs, still holding up the ring. "Maybe."

"Yes," she finally says. "My God, yes, I'll marry you."

Sam grins, grabbing her left hand and slipping the ring onto her finger. And just as expected, it was a perfect fit.

She never would've imagined that she'd have an engagement ring on her finger, much less, one put there by Sam. If she'd have told her younger self that she'd be marrying her best friend, her younger self would've fainted on the spot.

They collect themselves before they go back into the house. She doesn't try to hide her hand, but no one notices the ring on her finger, nor how clingy Sam was as he sat next to her on the couch. Neither of them can stop smiling as they do their own things until Diana lets out a long gasp, directly staring at Cielo's hand. "What is it?" Dean asks her.

Her mouth still agape, she points at Cielo's hand, making Dean and Bobby immediately turn to see. "What- oh, my God." Dean is now gaping too, looking between Cielo and Sam.

Cielo grins awkwardly, waving her hands a bit. "Surprise?"

"You proposed to my daughter?" Bobby asks Sam, to which his face falls.

"I... you said I could-" Sam stutters.

Cielo looks up at Sam with raised eyebrows. "You asked Bobby?"

"Of course I did, I wasn't gonna do it without permission," Sam replies.

Cielo feels all giddy as she aw's at Sam, leaning her head on his shoulder. Diana is still in shock, still pointing at the ring. "YOU'RE GETTING MARRIED!" She exclaims. "TO SAM!"

Dean rolls his eyes, pulling down her arm. He looks back at Cielo. "What she means to say is, YOU'RE GETTING MARRIED TO YOUR CRUSH SINCE JUNIOR YEAR."

Bobby looks at them incredulously. "Thanks, Mr. and Ms. Obvious." He looks back at Sam and Cielo; Sam gulps, looking back. "I'm happy for ya," he tells them and looks directly at Sam. "No more funny business, you hear?"

Sam nods, not being able to resist the smile that makes its way onto his face. "No more."

Holy crap.

Official fiancés.

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