Chapter Fifty-Three

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"Dad!" Cielo called after apologizing to the hunter she had on the line. There was no answer, instead just the phone ringing again. Cielo sighed, bringing her attention back to the phone. "Garth, hey," she said. "Mind if I call you back in a sec? I got another line running."

"Yeah, of course. Take your time," she heard him reply.

"Thanks. And it was a rougarou, right?"

Once she hung up with Garth, she stood up and walked over to the line of phones on the wall. "Yeah?" She questioned, picking up the phone she was sure wasn't for any sort of undercover.

"What happened? Bobby fall and can't get up?" Dean questioned.

Cielo chuckled humorlessly, "Hilarious," she said sarcastically. "What do you need?"

"We're in Wisconsin. Six bodies, chests cracked wide open. No EMF, no sulfur, no hex bags. We did find this, though. Hang on." Cielo waits for a second before hearing the beeping go off on the computer next to her. "Okay, check your Wang."

Cielo easily pulls up the photo and waits for it to load and once the claw that's about the size of Dean's palm shows up, she hums in thought. "That's new," she comments, leaning forward towards the screen to look at it.

"Yeah, we need an ID, ASAP," Dean sighs. "Thing's on a rampage. Call as soon as you dig something up."

She sputters, not used to being rushed. "I... Dean, I have other hunters who call. You do know that, don't you? I'm busy, too."

"Well then, kick Bo Derek out of your bathtub, we got a case."

Cielo scoffs, "Yeah, and so does Garth and Tom and Henry. You're gonna have to be patient with me on this one."

Without waiting for a response, she hangs up the phone, turning away and getting back to the desk with open books and notes. She immediately calls Garth back, giving him alternatives to killing rougarous and then gets to work on Dean's claw. It's almost an hour later when she can't find a single thing that even remotely resembles it. "Dad!" Cielo calls again, stepping out of the house and leaning over to look at her father. "Dean's on a case and needs info but we have absolutely nothing for it. Mind heading to the library to get me some books?"

Cielo remains back at the house, flipping through endless pages of lore until he gets back with a book. It's already 1 in the morning by the time she finds what she needs and has three pages worth of info for Dean, Diana, and Sam. She chugs what seems like a million cups of coffee to stay awake and get everything done and even gets up from the desk at around 6:30 to make something for Bobby to eat.

"How long you been workin'?" Bobby asks her when he sees her. She's got her head propped up on her hand and the book in her lap as she dozes off.

"All night," she replies, leaning back on the chair. She yawns, rubbing her eyes. "But, I got what they need, so after I call them, I'll get a couple hours."

Bobby nods, staring at his daughter in concern. She worked her ass off the entire year, and now that Dean, Sam, and Diana were back in it, she worked double. "Alright, just make sure you get something."

Cielo smiles at him, yawning again as she dials Dean's number.

"It's a lamia," she says when Dean answers. "Juices hearts, chugs the blood. It's a little odd that they're popping up outside of Greece, though."

"Yeah, well, it looks like this freak is immigrating. Snacking on cheeseheads," Dean says from the other end of the phone. "How do we gank it?"

Bobby looks over at Cielo as she lets out a long yawn before replying. "Um," she yawns and breathes out. "There's a few ways. Easiest was a silver knife blessed by a priest."

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