Chapter Seventy-Two

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Cielo was hardly able to fit into her slacks. Aside from, well, having a baby in her, she gained a bit of weight from the year. Healthy, of course. Sam never let her get away without eating all three meals and fed her best he could. Might've been influence from his childhood where Dean made sure he had ate properly, but he did what he had to to make sure Cielo was healthy and good.

ESPECIALLY after finding out they were expecting. Cielo had never seen Sam more determined to make her eat.

Watching Cielo struggle to zip up the pants and see how tight the button was pressing against her stomach, Diana clears her throat and grabs Cielo's favorite pair of leggings. A black pair, but they had the look of jeans. Cielo looks up at the sound and sees the leggings in Diana's hand.

"We have to dress nice," Cielo reminds, still trying her pants.

"We're also trying to not kill the baby with a pair of pants."

"We won't," Cielo says, unsure.

"Just put them on," Diana continues, shaking her hand. "They look nice with your top."

Cielo sighs, but takes the pants from her sister and walks over to the bathroom. Diana grins a bit to herself and goes back to her eyeliner.

When Cielo gets out, she's visibly more relaxed and comfortable as she puts her old clothes in her bag and takes out a few bottles. Her prenatal vitamins and other vitamins for her health. "How far along are you?" Diana asks out of the blue as Cielo takes out one vitamin per bottle.

"Uh..." the girl trails off in thought, sealing the last bottle. "13 weeks," she finally answers. "Onto my second trimester."

Diana hums happily, shaking her shoulders to hide some of her excitement. "I can't believe it," Diana says. "You and Sam in it for life and then a baby. It's like me and Dean came back and the world was suddenly happier."

Cielo smiles to herself, zipping her bag closed and sitting beside it. She thinks about how they found out and how panicked they were at first, but in the end, they ended up fine. But now that they were back to hunting for as long as the pregnancy would let her, a whole different anxiety started coming up.


Neither of them wanted to be there. But, Cielo had felt bad for blocking them out for as many years as she had. "We don't have to go," Sam kept telling her. "They can get mad all they want, but you're not really their kid."

Cielo sighed, staring at the invitation to the supposed twins' birthday. Her biological siblings. A big 8 was the main focus, but there was half pink accents and the other half was green.

Join Us for Isabella and Marcos' 8th Birthday!

She wasn't sure how they managed to get the address of the P.O. Box in Sioux Falls, but it was in there as well as a note inside the envelope from Jenny and Julian.

They did end up going. The people there looked at them weird, but were later introduced to her as her family. A damn big family in her opinion. She had already forgotten half the names and relations by the time they started serving dinner.

It was a traditional piñata for the twins. A piñata made to look like an 8 with the same accents as on the invitation was hit and hit by the kids until it cracked and out flowed the most candy you could ever see.

Kids and adults scrambled to get the candy and Cielo laughed as Sam came back with two pieces, one for each. "How did you manage that?" Cielo asked, taking the piece he handed her.

"The twins really like me, apparently," Sam answered, sitting back in his seat and unwrapping the small piece of candy. Cielo giggled and shook her head, setting the candy in front of her for after she finished eating.

Jenny sat with the couple after the piñata was gone and noticed how Cielo was still eating. "You're a slow eater," she pointed out.

Cielo chuckled and shook her head. "Not normally, just today, I guess," she replies, taking a scoop from the beans. "Is there any salt?" Cielo asked.

Jenny laughed happily. "I knew it!"

Cielo and Sam both stared at Jenny as she clapped and let her laughs subside. "Sorry?" Sam asked.

"Oh, honey, how far along are you?" Jenny asked her, clearly invested.

"Along in what?" Cielo asked.

"Your pregnancy," Jenny said as if it was obvious. "Thought you could hide it? I was pregnant twice."

Cielo sputtered and scratched the top of her head. "And you got that from me asking for salt?"

"Well," Jenny shrugged a bit. "That, for one. You're absolutely glowing. And you've gotten up to use the restroom, what is it, five times already?"

Cielo and Sam blinked before they shared a look, both looking absolutely horrified. Jenny's face suddenly fell. "Was I... am I wrong?"

When was my last period? What month are we in? My back has been hurting quite a bit recently. Shit, oh no.

After they left the party, claiming that they had to hit the road early the next morning, Sam drove to the drugstore while both remained in an uncomfortable silence. "June," Cielo suddenly says. "My last period was in June."

Instinctively, Sam starts pressing on the gas a little harder until they get to the store and Cielo runs in with the cash and goes straight to the female hygiene isle and straight towards the tests.

The second line came up almost immediately. Anxiety ate up the both of them as they waited for the two minutes, but as soon as she picked it back up, a second line on it was clear and solid. Not faint, not a maybe, it was there.

Sam and Cielo stared at it in her hand as she held it. It had to be fake, right? It couldn't be real. Had to have been some kind of dream of the life they wished they had, but...

"Cielo?" Sam asks gently. He's convinced that he forgot how to breathe and forgot that this was reality.

Still staring at the test, Cielo gulps. She opens her mouth, the intention to say something there, but only a faint squeak comes out.

How did this happen? Well... okay I know how this happened, but why?

"What..." Cielo gulps again, trying to get some moisture back into her mouth. "What now?"

Sam sighs, rubbing his hand up and down her back in a comforting matter. It does wonders because she suddenly feels like everything was gonna be okay. "I don't know," Sam responds and rests his chin on her shoulder and continues to stare at the test. "What do you wanna do?"

Tears well up in Cielo's eyes at the sudden realization. There was a baby growing in her. One created by her and Sam. A life. A second chance at life. Her dream.

"I'm..." Cielo's voice cracks as she brings her hand down to her lap and her throat starts closing from the emotions running through her. Panic, fear... happiness. "I'm pregnant," she finally says, the reality still settling in her stomach.

Sam smiles a bit, his own tears welling up in his eyes as she says it. "We're having a baby," he says this time, making both of them start laughing through the tears that are streaming down her face and the ones threatening to fall down his.

We're gonna have a family, Cielo thinks as Sam hugs her waist and hides his face in the crook of her neck, peppering her neck with little kisses.

Everything seemed like it was gonna be alright. They got out of hunting, despite Cielo's everyday research. They both had jobs and a nice house they rented for now. They were in a good place. They were ready.

Oh, how wrong they were.

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