Chapter Fifty-Six

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Her eyes snap open and she realizes how hard she's breathing. It takes her a while to finally realize that she's in her room and not in the shed. Diana's in the room, a worried expression on her face and not Sam holding her head back and ready to kill her.

After Death put Sam's soul back, she couldn't bring herself to even go down to the panic room to see him. All she could think about without Sam in the room was how dedicated he was to killing her. Imagine how much worse it would be if he was there.

"You okay?" Diana finally asks, sitting on the bed next to her sister.

"Um," Cielo's voice is still groggy and her eyes are still burning from the sleep. She lifts her hands, rubbing the sleep from them, but sees Sam behind her eyelids looking down at her like all she was was a piece of meat. She takes her hands off immediately and looks around her. Sam's jacket is laid at the foot of her bed, the note back inside the pocket. The blinds on her windows are closed and there's a plate with a sandwich on her nightstand, fully untouched. How long had that been there? "Yeah," she finally says.

"You sure?" Diana reaches for the glass of water that was also untouched and hands it to her. Diana didn't want to bring up how much Cielo had been writhing in her sleep and how tense she was.

Cielo nods, taking the glass and only traces the rim. "I'm okay."

Diana nods, not convinced but leaving the topic. "Well, there's something downstairs for you if you wanna come see."

Cielo furrows her eyebrows, Diana takes notice of the bags underneath her eyes. "What?" She questions.

"It's Sam," Diana says. "He's awake." Cielo's heart almost bursts. The wall, the soul, did it work? "And he's asking for you." Uneasiness settled in her stomach. She didn't want to go down and see him. All she could see is him torturing her the entirety of the year and a half he'd been back. "Do you... wanna come downstairs?"

Cielo hesitated, biting the inside of her cheek. What if he was messing around and the soul hadn't actually been inserted? She guessed that there would only be one way to find out. She set her glass down on the nightstand by the plate and looked at her sister. "You'll be there the entire time?"

Diana furrowed her eyebrows. "It's really him, Ci."

"Diana," she says seriously.

The elder Singer sighs and nods. "Yes."

Cielo took in a breath and followed Diana out of her room. With each step she took, her heart sped up. Her hands were getting clammy and all she could think about is if it was really him or not. She believed Diana, of course she did, but she'd need to see it for herself to be able to convince herself it was actually Sam.

As they reach the study, Cielo could see Sam's back to her from the table in the kitchen and she instantly felt tense. Diana glanced at her sister for a second and felt bad that Cielo was genuinely afraid of Sam. Still, she held on to Cielo's hand and called out to Sam.

He immediately turned at his name and froze when he saw Cielo. She visibly looked different. She looked sunken, tired. She was thinner and she had longer hair. He didn't want to think about what she had gone through after he died. Instead, he stood up and made a beeline towards her.

Bobby and Cielo were tense, but she let go of Diana's hand and let Sam wrap his arms around her. He felt the same, physically. Except now, he was obviously much more gentle with her and much more loving than the last Sam was. That's what you thought before he took you to your room. She winced at the thought, still keeping her arms loosely wrapped around Sam's shoulders.

Maybe Someday; Sam WinchesterWhere stories live. Discover now