Chapter Seventy-Three

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"Oh, my God," Cielo exclaimed, staring in shock at her reflection. She turns to the side, trying to make sure she wasn't just imagining it. And nope, she was not.

"Sam!" She calls, surprised that her first reaction didn't get him running in the first place. But this one works because within seconds, he's right at the bathroom's entrance, looking scared shitless.

"What? What's happening? Are you okay? The baby—"

"Look," Cielo interrupts, moving a bit to show him more. She has her pajama shirt lifted a bit, seeing that she was in the process of getting dressed with Sam in the other room and Diana and Dean on breakfast duty. Right under her shirt is a small pop of a bump. Completely unnoticed at first until she turned to the side and saw it for real.

Sam looks down at what she was showing and his facial expression completely changes from horror to beyond happy. "Aw," he says, stepping further into the bathroom, a huge smile spreading from ear to ear.

"The baby's growing!" Cielo says ecstatically, bouncing on her feet happily. "I have to wear something tight! Something that'll show them off!"

Sam's heart warms at her excitement, even if there was hardly anything there. "She's growing," he says, almost dreamily.

"She?" Cielo questions. "You think they're a girl?"

Sam shrugs, his hand reaching and settling on Cielo's stomach. "I wouldn't be mad or anything if we had a boy, but... I really want a girl."

It's was Cielo's turn to have her heart melt. Sam being a girl dad was something she had never actually thought about, but now that he says that, she can totally see him learning to braid hair and being strict about boyfriends. It made her even more excited to find out if they were gonna have a girl or boy, but still, she kept her decision on waiting til the baby was born to find out.


Being seven months pregnant was not as easy anymore as it was before. Cielo stopped doing the fighting part of hunting a few months ago, but refuses to not be part of the investigation and research. She was just physically slower now, there was no effect on her mind capability.

When Diana found out about the storage unit Sam and Cielo rented for the baby stuff they had gotten so far, she insisted that Dean stopped in Sioux Falls to get necessities until the baby was born. The diaper bag, for example, was sitting in the corner of the Impala's trunk waiting to be used with a box-worth of diapers inside it and another duffel bag that would be used for the clothes and wipes. At least to hold them off until the baby was actually born. But that way, there wouldn't be any surprises.

During one of their drives and a suggestion of a break from Dean, Cielo snorted sarcastically at Dean's "you remember fun, don't you?"

"Hilarious," Cielo comments, chewing on her chocolate bar. Throughout her entire pregnancy, her number one craving was chocolate covered strawberries, but the last gas station didn't sell any so she settled on the half of it.

Diana chuckles from next to her, looking back out of the window.

Sam grunts a little bit as he took out his phone from his pocket when it had started ringing. "Kevin, what do you got?" Sam says into the phone as Cielo takes another bite of the MilkyWay. "Garth. Hey." Cielo's ears perk up and Diana looks at Sam with raised eyebrows.

From her seat, Cielo can only faintly hear Garth's voice as he speaks to Sam, but she gathers that he had found something for them.

"Look, it's bad enough that you're tracking us, but it's even worse when you say we've been 'Garthed,'" Sam says at last.

Maybe Someday; Sam WinchesterWhere stories live. Discover now