Chapter Fifty-Five

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With Sam back at the house with her and Bobby and Diana and Dean off trying to get Sam's soul back, Cielo tried everything to avoid Sam. She knew how suspicious she was being, but if it were up to her, she would've just tied him up in the panic room and left him there. She hated Soulless Sam. She hated how he looked exactly like old Sam, yet still managed to not. She hated how he basically pretended to give a damn and just hurt her to hurt her. Ever since they all found out he was soulless, all she could feel was betrayal because Sam didn't feel anything when she was begging him to get off of her or when he saw the bruises on her wrists and hips. He felt nothing.

But, the part of her that still had a sliver of hope for real Sam to come back was slowly coming back to life the longer Dean and Diana were gone. Her Sam was gonna come back and like Hell was she gonna let real Sam believe it was his fault for the trauma she had managed to get in a year and a half. But still, her heart was hurting and all she could think about is the careless look on Sam's face as she cried and begged him to stop.

It made her shudder.

Unfortunately for her, came into the kitchen from outside, making her look up and look back down at the floor to avoid his gaze. Bobby came into the room, almost like if his fatherly senses felt that Cielo was uncomfortable. "Woke up and you were gone," Bobby tells Sam, standing beside Cielo. "Where you been?"

"Just driving around," Sam replies. "No biggie." Cielo squints her eyes a bit, something she did when she suspected that someone was lying. She could see right through him.

Bobby picks up the bottle by Cielo's arm, one that remained untouched by her. "Drink?" He asks Sam.

"Yeah. Sure," Sam says with a single nod. Cielo flinches as Sam slides into the seat next to her, but she remains calm. Nothing too sudden. It's not like he's gonna do anything, Bobby was standing right next to her. Her father was watching Sam like a hawk, eyeing his every move as he poured the drink into Sam's glass and then his own.

Bobby's taken a seat next to Cielo with Sam sitting across from them as Bobby passes out cards to him and Sam. Cielo stared at the table, debating on how to leave the room without seeming to suspicious. She twisted the cap on her water bottle open and close as she thought. She could use the excuse that she was tired and wanted to shower and go to bed, or that she needed the restroom and ended up just staying upstairs. All of those options, though, required Bobby to stay downstairs and yes, from there he can keep an eye on Sam, but one look away and Sam could be running up the stairs.

She hated that she had these thoughts.

She looked up in time to see Sam place a few poker chips in the middle of the table, followed by Bobby. She examined his posture from the head down and noticed little things that she was able to put together as a scheme. She knew Sam better than he knew himself. She chugged the rest of her water and stood up, turning around to see what he might've been eyeing. That's when she saw the wrench sitting out in the tool box that Bobby left on the counter.

I got you figured out.

She hums quietly, grabbing another water from the fridge and finally speaking up. "More beer?" She asks, and as Bobby turns around, she makes a signal towards the tool box.

"Yeah," Sam answers. She clears her throat, giving an extra long look at Bobby as he stands up and makes as if he's getting something from the study. Sam stands, as expected, reaching to grab the wrench, only, Cielo beats him to it and hits him in the head with it, enough to knock him out and makes him fall onto the ground by her feet. Bobby feels a sense of pride as he stands next to her and looks down at him.

Bobby turns, taking the wrench from Cielo with him and goes to grab the rope someone had left by the table, only for Sam to get up and take Cielo with him. Cielo's heart is pounding and she can't make any noise as Sam's large hand covers her mouth. She's breathing hard out of shock, Sam having hidden them around the corner and out of Bobby's sight.

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