Chapter Seventy

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When Dean and Castiel went to get the Impala, Cielo stuck with Sam while Diana went with Dean and Castiel for the actual next half of the plan. The plan for the diversion was a joke from Dean, until everyone else agreed that it would throw off the leviathan.

"We know the plan?" Dean questioned stubbornly, not happy that they would be using his car as the diversion.

"Sam and me go for Kevin," Cielo says; Sam rubs her shoulder comfortingly to soothe her obvious nerves.

"Me, you, and Cas go for Dick," Diana nods.

"And I get to drive your car," Meg smirks.

Dean rolls his eyes and tosses Meg the keys. "Let's roll."

"Be careful out there," Cielo begs, holding onto Sam's hand. "Please."

All of them give each other final looks before departing in different directions. Cielo stuck close to Sam, her bow drawn and an arrow laced with Borax aimed with her holster on her back. Sam had his bottle of Borax ready, walking right behind her. She looked both ways before lowering the weapon, still keeping it drawn in case of any surprises.

Sam leads the way through the hall, opening doors slowly and quietly, trying to find Kevin. Eventually, Cielo opens a door, gaping as she sees Kevin. "Sam," she whispers, motioning into the room. Sam runs in, going to get Kevin as Cielo stands at the door like a guard.

"Wait, we can't leave yet," she hears Kevin say.

"Uh, yeah, we can. It's okay. We gotta go," Sam tells him hurriedly.

"Guys, hurry," Cielo whispers, still looking through the halls.

"You don't understand. Dick's got creamer in his lab. He's gonna kill all the skinny people."

"Wait, what?" Cielo questions, looking back at them.

Sam furrows his eyebrows at the teen. "Slow down."

"We have to blow up the lab," Kevin finishes. "Please."

Cielo sighs helplessly. "Shit," she breathes running a hand through her hair.

Sam's thinking fast before he gives in and looks back at Kevin. "Yeah, fine. Let's go."

Kevin led the way down multiple halls and left and rights before they made it to the lab. Sam ran ahead of them both, and when Cielo made it next to him, she finally saw the scene. The righteous bone in Dick's neck, Castiel standing right behind the leviathan and Dean and Diana right in front.

"Figured we'd have to catch you off guard," Dean says.

As soon as he does, Dick's face transforms into the giant mouth and loud roars are heard throughout the room. Just as fast, his face goes back to normal, staring at Dean angrily. Black goo drips from his neck and nose and weird pulses come from Dick, engulfing Dean, Diana, and Cas every time it pulses. Everyone takes slow steps back, not knowing what was going to happen. The pulses grew faster, like a heartbeat until it all sucked back into Dick. He smiled wickedly and then basically exploded. Sam covered Cielo and Kevin, not letting her see what was happening.

The explosion quieted down after a minute, making Sam hesitantly bring his arm down and turn back around. Black goo was splattered over the walls of the lab, with Dick, Castiel, Dean, or Diana nowhere to be found. "Sam," Kevin said from behind the couple, "Cielo, we should go."

Both of them stared at the room, not being able to process the fact that they all just disappeared. Were they dead? Were they coming back? What the hell was even happening? What would happen now that Dick Roman was dead?

"What the hell?" Sam voices her thoughts, taking slow steps to where they were standing not even three minutes ago.

"More chompers any second, Sam," Kevin warns.

"Not to worry," they hear. Sam and Cielo turn, finding Crowley. "I have a small army of demons outside," Crowley says. "Cut off the head, and the body will flounder, after all."

Cielo steps up a few steps, not know what to do. "Think," Crowley continues, "if you'd have just one king since before the first sunrise. You'd be in a kerfuffle, too."

"Which is exactly what you wanted," Cielo points out.

"So did you," Crowley tells her and then looks back up at Sam. "And you. Without a master plan, the Levis are just another monster. Hard to stop, sure, but you love a challenge. Your job is to keep them from organizing."

"Where are they?" Cielo demands angrily, now standing next to Sam.

Crowley takes in a sharp breath before replying. "That bone... has a bit of a kick. God weapons often do. They should put a warning on the box."

"Where are they, Crowley?!" Sam demands this time.

"Can't help you, Sam," Crowley answers before snapping his fingers and demons show up right by Kevin. The couple looks over at Kevin and gapes as the two demons each have a hold on one of Kevin's arms. "Sorry, Sam. Prophet's mine." Crowley snaps again and the demons, as well as Kevin, are gone.

Cielo and Sam turn back to Crowley. She has tears rimming her eyes as the reality of the situation starts to settle in her stomach. "You got what you wanted— Dick's dead, saved the world. So I want one little prophet," Crowley shrugs as if it's no big deal, "Sorry, Moose. Birdie. Wish I could help. You certainly got a lot on your plate right now."

"Fuck you," Cielo spits.

Crowley doesn't seem affected. "It looks like you are well and truly... on your own."

The demon snaps again, this time, it was him disappearing, leaving Cielo and Sam alone in the lab. Panic starts to settle in. They had no one and no place to start looking. They had zero clue what was happening or what was going to happen and there was no one to help them but themselves.

Her sister was gone. His brother was gone. Their best friend was gone. Now, they truly had...



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