Chapter Sixty-Three

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    The sun felt warm against her skin. Well, the skin that was exposed over the blanket. The subtle smell of coffee lingers in the room with the door open. Now that she was awake, she can hear the giggles coming from downstairs and the sizzle of whatever he must've been cooking.

    She smiles tiredly, rolling onto her back and stretching her arms over her head. She sits up, rubbing the sleep from her eyes and goes to the bathroom, grinning at the belly exposed under her night shirt. She uses the restroom, washes her hands, and brushes her teeth before making her way down the stairs to the kitchen where she sees her husband facing away from her at the stove and their daughter who wasn't older than five right next to him and giggling again at something he must've said.

    The little girl turns her head, her eyes brightening as she sees Cielo. "Momma!" The young girl cheers, hopping down from the stool and runs up to Cielo.

    "Good morning, baby," Cielo replies, placing kisses on her daughter's cheek. Sam turns and smiles at Cielo, setting down his spatula and walking over.

    "Good morning, babe," he tells her, pressing a light kiss on her cheek.

    "Hi," Cielo replies. "Smells good. What's on today's menu?"

    "Pancakes, per Stella's request." Cielo smiles down at the little girl. "I know you don't like pancakes, so I made you some of those tortillas and eggs you like to make."

    Cielo sighs happily, "Oh, you're an angel. Jack's gonna be very appreciative," she tells him, running her fingers through Stella's dark auburn hair.

    "I'd hope so," Sam replies, kissing Cielo's temple and putting his large hand on Cielo's belly. "Tell him Daddy made it and he'll be jumping for joy in no time."

    As if the baby was listening, he starts moving around within Cielo's belly, making her giggle. "I think he heard you. Augie still asleep?"

     Sam hums in response. "Poor kid. We were up until past midnight with his project."

     Cielo chuckled, pouring her coffee. "Well, it was your idea with the volcano."

    Sam laughs, placing a kiss on Cielo's lips and goes to turn off the stove. "I'll be home early today, anything on the shopping list?"

    "Candy!" Stella cheers, running behind Sam and taking advantage of his crouched state to jump on his back. He hollers, standing up and starts spinning around with his arms wrapped around her legs securely. Stella laughs, holding tightly onto Sam's neck and continues to giggle as he approaches Cielo again.

    "Uh, q-tips. If I think of anything I'll let you know." Cielo picks Stella off of Sam's back and sets her down on the floor.

    "Okay, go easy on the coffee or Jack'll come out with two heads," Sam tells her.

    Cielo scoffs a bit. "More to love!" Sam chuckles, placing the last kiss on her lips.

    "I'll see you later. Goodbye, Stella Blue!" He tells the young girl, placing multiple kisses over her face. She giggles in response and he gives them both a smile and walks out of the kitchen and through the house. Cielo chuckles happily, rubbing her stomach as Stella chases after to look out the window and wave at him until he was gone and off to his job like she did every day.


    Cielo startles awake, opening her eyes and being met with bright lights. She groans, holding her head and sitting up slowly. She looks around, seeing nothing out of the ordinary in a hospital room. She takes in slow breaths, being glad that she could breathe in normal oxygen instead of the smoke of the house. She sighed, scratching her neck and licking her lips.

    She looked down at her lap, seeing the hospital gown that she was wearing and noticing her jewelry missing. She looked around and spotted a small bag where her clothes must've been, as well as her jewelry. The door opened, making her tense up, but relax when she saw Diana.

    "Good, you're awake," Diana said. Cielo noticed the FBI badge in her hand and furrowed her eyebrows.

    "What's going on?"

    God, her mouth was so dry.

    "I'll explain everything as soon as we get out of here, alright?" Diana told her. "Bobby went to get Dean and Sam."

    "Is he alright?" Cielo questioned.

    "Not sure yet. We'll get him, though, don't worry. Meet us at the ambulance dock as soon as you get your ass up. And be quick, there's leviathan around."

    "Leviathan?" Cielo questioned incredulously.

    "Yeah, that's why I'm saying to be quick. I'll see you there, alright?"

    Cielo wasn't as dosed up on Morphine as Dean was. She was a lot more sober and was able to kind of feel the pain in her thigh as she used the crutches after she got dressed. Her thigh didn't seem to be that bad. There was only a bandage on it, so it must've just been a burn.

    She went as quick as she possibly could down to the ambulance dock and jumped into the back with Diana and Sam on a gurney. "Just waiting for Dean," Diana told her, closing the doors.

    Cielo nodded, holding onto Sam's hand and chuckled, letting her head fall back on the wall. "Dude, you'll never believe the dream I had while I was out."

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