Chapter Sixty-Five

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"I'd stay in the chair," Dick Roman says, putting the gun in the back of his pants. Cielo's eyes follow him out and when the door opens, the groaning outside the room is more significant, leading Cielo and her father to believe that Sam, Dean, and Diana were inside. As soon as the door closes, Bobby stands up and goes to the desk.

"Check the files," Bobby instructs. Cielo nods, standing up from her seat and walks around the desk to the drawers, and pulls them open to look through. As she looks, she pulls out the three significantly more important folders and places them on the desk.

"Look," she says, opening them. Floor plans and maps are inside, as well as written plans for each. Bobby looks at them, putting bullets in one of the guns that Dick left.

Cielo and Bobby read through them quickly, her eyes scanning each page up and down at a fast pace. "Oh, my God," she whispers. Bobby has the same reaction because he starts going quicker with putting the bullets into the gun.

"Okay, sons of bitches," Bobby mumbles, closing the folder and picking it up as well as the leftover bullets. "Let's go."

Dick Roman's assistant is on the other side of the door and smacks Bobby away, making him loose grip of the folder. Luckily, Cielo was behind him and was able to grab it as he shot the leviathan.

They rush out before the leviathan can harm them again and run down the hallways, trying to avoid any leviathans that may be around. Once they get down to the inventory place and find Sam cornered by Dick Roman. Bobby shoots at him with ease, making him hunch over for a second but get back up and turn to Cielo and Bobby. "Hey!" Dick says. "That's mine."

As soon as he finishes, Dean and Diana sneak up and toss two large buckets of borax on him; a loud sizzle is heard as well as his agony until the group starts running away from him.

Bobby is left behind as the rest get to the van, getting in in a hurry. Dean drives to the entrance where they came out of and out of stress, Cielo starts biting her nail. She made a mental note to repaint them.

"Dammit, where's Bobby?" Sam questioned, not peeling his eyes away from the warehouse as he twists the wedding ring on his finger from anxiety.

Thankfully, Bobby comes running out in no time and runs to the van. Cielo heaves a sigh of relief and opens the door to let him in. "Dammit," she mutters, seeing Dick Roman step outside and raise his gun. Cielo starts to panic as he starts shooting at them.

Three bullets total.

"Go, go, go!" Diana calls, not noticing how Cielo falls back after she closes the van's door. She can't even feel it. She can't feel the blood gushing out instead of inside her body.

"Son of a bitch!" She hears Dean narrowly say, but she's having trouble getting past the ringing in her ear. She glanced down, already seeing the blood cover her hand and torso. "I'm glad you got in," Dean continues. "He almost took your freaking head off!"

The loss of blood is starting to get to her. Despite being laid down, her head feels too heavy. Her breathing is shallowing and she can't tell if she's imagining it, but she feels the oxygen leaking out of her lungs.

"Cielo?" She hears, very faintly, but she hears it. "Cielo, what's happening?" It had to have been Diana's voice speaking.

She takes in a shuddering breath and moves her trembling hand. Diana sees it as Dean drives past a street light. "Oh, my God."

"Bobby?" Sam questions, staring at the hat with a bullet hole off to the side of it. "Oh, God," Sam continues, turning to see both Cielo and Bobby shot and on the verge of dying then and there.

Maybe Someday; Sam WinchesterWhere stories live. Discover now