Chapter Sixteen

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It was a completely awkward case between Cielo and Sam. Between finding out that the werewolf was Madison and having to interrogate her, it all hurt Cielo. Madison was so nice and welcoming and yet, there she is, the monster who killed all those people.

It was odd that she continuously cried and begged them to believe her that it wasn't her. Either she was a really good actress, or she was telling the truth when she said she didn't know. But someone would have to know if they were a werewolf, right?

So, when the sun rose on the last day, they all sighed in relief. Their attempt at a cure worked, because Madison didn't change on the last day of the lunar cycle. Madison bid them goodbye with a grateful smile and stopped Cielo and Sam. "Just do it, okay?" She said. "Life is clearly too short to not."

Dean smiled as Cielo and Sam sighed and smiled at her. Cielo hugged her tightly and wished her the best of luck and turned away from Madison. She walked by Diana as Sam hung back. "Thanks," he told her.

And they left.

By the time they got to the motel building, Diana and Dean made no attempt to move from their seats. "Aren't you coming?" Cielo asked them.

Dean and Diana immediately shook their heads. "No, we, uh..." Dean looked back at Diana for an excuse.

"Um," Diana looked at her, "we're... gonna go... get laid?"

Dean closed his eyes and sighed in disappointment. Sam knew exactly what they were trying to do. "You're kidding, right?" Sam asked.

"You really think, after all that—"

"Now, I don't know what to think," Dean interrupted. "But if you two are gonna screw yourselves silly, that's up to you, but you gotta talk, alright? You've been too quiet for too long and it's getting annoying."

"Honestly, just get together already," Diana sighed. "It's painful seeing you two in love with each other but not doing anything."

Cielo wanted to crawl into a hole and die. Her embarrassment was the only thing that drove her to get out of the car. The car door squeaked as she opened it and she slammed it closed. She didn't look to see if Sam was following her as she walked into the lobby and to the elevators. Unfortunately, Sam showed up right beside her. If they weren't awkward before, they certainly are now.

Neither of them spoke as the elevator opened in front of them or when they went in and Cielo pressed the button with the floor number. What would she even say after what Dean and Diana just pulled? Cielo agreed that they needed to talk, but this isn't what she had in mind.


By the time they got to the room, Sam let her go in first. What should she do? Just go for it? No, that'd be weird. But, it wouldn't be that bad to just try? She started to shrug off her jacket as soon as she walked into the room. It was getting hot and her body temperature shouldn't be interfering with what she was trying to decide.

She flinched a little bit as the door closed and she turned around to face Sam. He was standing only a step away from her. If she moved even a little bit, she'd be touching him. She started to play with her fingers nervously. "Um..."

"Screw them, ya know?" Sam said quickly. Cielo started to nod quickly in agreement. "They don't know anything."

"No, yeah. They're just being jerks."

Maybe Someday; Sam WinchesterWhere stories live. Discover now