Chapter Seventy-Five

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     Cielo stares at the bunker's door; an old rusted metal door with a brick wall surrounding it. She takes Sam's hand and lets him lead the way to the top of the steps as she looks up and stares at the old building with wide eyes.

     "When was the last time somebody was in this place?" Dean questions, looking down at the door, too.

     "65, 70 years ago," Sam replies.

     Diana lets out a low whistle, running a hand through her hair. Dean takes out Henry Winchester's box with the key and opens it, leaving Cielo completely hypnotized at the puzzle-like box. Sam leads the way down the few steps to the door with Cielo following, then Diana and Dean.

     It's pitch black when they get inside. The only light being from the flashlights the boys held. Cielo grips onto the railing, looking at whatever the light showed her. Old radios, tables, chairs, lamps, the works.

     "Son of a bitch," Dean curses, standing on Cielo's left. She could see the faint sight of a map table that she was suddenly invested in.

     "Look at this," Sam comments, shining the light back on the radio she had saw. She noticed the typewriter and the old phone— all of it seemed so new to her. "Ham radio, telegraph, switchboard. This was their nerve center."

     She can hear the subtle excitement in Sam's words, making her smile lightly and pay attention to what Dean said next.

     "Henry did say that they ran dispatch on their own team of hunters."

     Diana and Cielo follow the brothers as they walk around the top a little more, staring at the table that Dean was examining. "Wow. Halfway through their coffee and a game of chess—" Dean tips back the mug a little bit, nothing being in there other than the dark stain of coffee. "Looks like whoever was manning the hub left quick."

     Dean spins a little bit until the light reveals a metal box.

     "On the alarm call that ended the men of letters," Sam says from downstairs.

     Curiosity takes over Cielo as she takes a few steps toward the box with Dean being right behind her. She opens it, finding wires and levers. She exchanges a look with Diana first, who gives a shrug.

     "Pull the lever, Kronk," she says.

     Cielo shrugs back and lifts one of the levers. Immediately, some lights start whirring on and soon after, all the lights in the bunker are on and a whole different era revealed to them. A war table brought to life. Cielo goes to the other lever and switches it on, making more lights turn on in the half that they couldn't see from upstairs.

     "Son of a bitch," Sam curses this time, admiring the view of the library and doorways to the halls. Three long dark brown tables sat in the middle of the room with a lamp on each and four chairs to each table. Countless shelves filled top to bottom with endless books as well as cabinets and drawers off to the sides and pressed against the brick walls. Dark brown hardwood floors were almost shiny, despite the time they'd been unused, as well as the loveseats set at the corners between shelves and walls.

     Cielo chuckles, almost overwhelmed by the sight. "Sammy, I think we found the bat cave," Dean comments softly, not daring to remove his eyes from the scene in front of him.

     Cielo smiles, looking up at Sam and wrapping her arm around his waist. He does the same in return, relieved that there was a safe space for them to be at, especially after the baby was born.

     Once Cielo and Sam pick their room, she lays down on the bed, thinking it would be comfortable, but it being quite the opposite. "Ah, this bed sucks. New mattress is going on the shopping list," she says to him, rolling over a bit so she's on her side and facing him as he walks around the room to take it in. Sam chuckles in response, looking deeply at the desk and nightstands. "You're turning into such a dad," she comments.

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