Chapter Fifty-Four

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Once the phone hit the small leather couch, Diana let out an agitated sigh. The one time- the one chance she had at something normal, something comes up and that something is Sam being back for a year and Dean's return to hunting.

Why couldn't they have just left her out of it? Why couldn't they have just let her be? She was finally happy and finally in a good place only for it to come crashing down and... oh, my God, I sound like Cielo.

Diana drops her hands against her thighs and plops down on the couch next to her phone. What would she do? Go back? She was dying to see her sister and her father, Dean and Sam too, I guess, but she didn't wanna leave this new life she made.

Her literal dream life. On a tour bus with a bunch of punk-rock musicians... a fantasy made up because of Ashton Irwin, to be honest. She wasn't even the one singing, it was her.

The prettiest blonde girl Diana would ever see. After Bela died, she never really gave up on the love life- sex life- she had, a few hookups here and there, but, dear Lord, Louise Edwards was the literal Gwen to her Peter. Aside from, well, death, and the fact that Diana wasn't bitten by a radioactive spider (unfortunately), but other than that, they were inseparable.

The prettiest blonde hair and the prettiest eyes and the prettiest lips, everything about her was perfect. All the way down to Louise being a drummer. A drummer! If Diana's obsession with Ashton Irwin taught her anything, it's that drummers are the biggest win in any century. How she bagged a drummer, Diana would never know, but, apparently reaching for the Strawberry Dr. Pepper at the same time as Lou would be the key.

And she even (sort of) looked like Gwen Stacy (the only resemblance was that she was blonde, even that was box dye. But that led to Diana getting an impulsive bob cut from Lou.)

Now that she was touring with Louise, she didn't wanna leave. She was the rockstar's girlfriend, had endless fun with Lou's bandmates, and got to travel without worrying about a ghost or demon on her ass. What's better than that?

As the minutes dragged on, Diana's prettiest girlfriend stepped onto the tour bus, looking around for Diana. "Hey, you coming?" By the way, Louise was British.

Diana looked up at her, a sad smile on her lips as she sat up enough to look at her better from her seat. "Yeah, I'll be out in a second."

Lou furrowed her eyebrows. No one other than Cielo and Lou could read Diana better. It was kind of annoying, but she liked having her own little therapist. Lou walked up the final steps onto the bus and went to sit next to Diana. "What's up?"

Louise was oblivious to the life Diana lived. Diana knew that it was gonna bite her in the ass one of these days, just like it did for Jess and Sam, but she could hardly bare the reaction that Lou would have to her saying that monsters were real and her and her sister and friends just locked up the Devil after he went rogue for a year.

"Nothing," Diana responds, playing with her thumbs. "Just my family..." she thinks about her wording. "My friends are back in Sioux Falls and they want me to go home for a bit," she says.

"That should be fun, wouldn't it?" It pained Diana to be lying to Lou. She wanted her to know everything, but she was a freak as is. People knowing that she hunted monsters would send her straight to the nut house.

Diana shrugged, looking down at her hands. "Problem is, whenever they come back, it usually means it's permanent," she says. Lou let out a sigh, making Diana nod. "Yeah."

"And your sister?"

"She's home, but she isn't the one who called. I don't think she knows that Dean called me." Lou didn't know the monsters part, but she knew about Sam, Dean, and Cielo and how their little group came to be. It was one of the more entertaining stories to tell when a band member asked.

"I see," Lou responds, letting her shoulders slump. "Are you gonna go back? Our tour just started."

"I know," Diana nods. "I don't wanna go back, but they wouldn't call unless it was an emergency."

"Then you should go," Lou says with a nod. "We'll meet up whenever you're finished with your family stuff."

Diana looks into Lou's brown eyes with a frown. "Seriously?"

"Dead serious," Lou confirms. "I don't want you to go, but if it's family... nothing comes over that."

Diana gives a tired smile, putting her head on Lou's shoulder. She was grateful for a girlfriend like Lou. Lou somewhat reminded her of her mother in a non-creepy way. Just general personality attributes. "I hope you know that I don't know when or if I'm coming back," Diana tells her.

Lou places her cheek onto the top of Diana's head and wraps her arm around her shoulders. "I know. Which is why we're partying tonight and we'll get you on a plane home in the morning."

Diana grins, already missing her. "I won't fight you on that."

"Good, 'cause I wasn't gonna take 'no' for an answer, Lovely," Lou replies, leaving a kiss on Diana's head. Diana giggles, feeling all giddy.

Maybe Someday; Sam WinchesterWhere stories live. Discover now