Chapter Forty-Seven

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This was weird. No, it was beyond weird. There was no way that there were fans dressing up as them. When Dean told her about the books and Chuck Shurley, she didn't think that there were actual things for them. But now there's a whole convention with people walking around dressed as them or as something they've hunted?

She gulped, watching as someone dressed as Sam walk past her with a girl next to him clearly dressed as her.

Cielo looked at Diana, putting a hand on her stomach. "I'm gonna throw up."

"Becky," Sam says, "What is this?"

"It's awesome!" Becky replies from next to Diana. "A Supernatural convention. The first ever."

Cielo almost passes out, but Diana keeps her up. There's people with yellow contacts and books being displayed all over the place. There's shirts and mugs and pens and— dear God. Cielo steps away from the group, going to the merchandise booth and picking up a book. The man in the Supernatural shirt and yellow contacts is busy talking to customers, so he doesn't notice Cielo pick up the book. "Why is she so surprised?" Becky asks Sam.

"She wasn't there when we found the books," Dean responds, watching Cielo's jaw drop as she flips through the book.

"Poor thing," Diana mumbles. Sam chuckles, nodding in agreement. "No, I was talking about me."

"What?" Sam questions.

"You think I wanted to see you and Cielo having sex written on paper? Think of the parental trauma me and Dean had."

Sam does that thing where his eyebrows raise from being furrowed and gulps, looking away from Diana. Cielo is still flipping through the book (specifically Heart), and when she gets to a certain part of the book, her eyes almost bulge out of her head as she slams the book shut. Yep, she saw it. She puts down the book, looking back at it as she walks away as if she's worried it'll follow her back to the group. "That's insane!" She says to Sam. "It's detailed, Sam!"

"I know," he replies, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. Diana doesn't miss the glare that Becky sends her, but neither does Cielo because she smirks and wraps her arms around his waist. She grins and looks back at the stage where the hotel manager stands at the microphone.

"Welcome to the first annual Supernatural convention," he says. Cielo notices the clipboard in his hand and wonders what could possibly be on there that's worse than reading smut of yourself. "At 3:45 in the Magnolia Room, we have the panel 'Frightened Little Boy: The Secret Life of Dean.'" Cielo looks over at Dean, earning back a bitch face. "And at 4:30, there's the homoerotic subtext of Supernatural." All four of them gape. "Oh, and, of course, the big hunt starts at 7:00 p.m. sharp."

At that, everyone dressed as people and monsters that they've ever encountered cheer and clap. "Okay, but— but right now—" The man waves his hand, as if to silent the crowd. "Right now I'd like to introduce the man himself. The creator and the writer of the Supernatural books, the one, the only... Carver Edlund!" There's loud cheers and applause as Chuck walks out onto the stage awkwardly. He tries to grab the mic, but the feedback squeals in response. The silence is deafening and Cielo has to turn her head to cringe.

"Uh, okay good. This isn't nearly as awkward as I—" he clears his throat, looking around him. "It's a little dry mouth." Chuck practically chugs half of the water bottle in one gulp and Cielo almost pities the man. "Okay, uh..." he clears his throat again. "So, I guess, uh... questions?" Immediately, all hands raise into the air and Diana blinks is surprise.

"Uh, you?"

A man dressed as Sam stands up and Cielo can only see his back. He definitely had the height for Sam. "Hey, Mr. Edlund. Uh, big fan. Wow." The man is clearly excited and Cielo compares his excitement to when Dean met Dr. Sexy during their encounter with Gabriel. "Okay. I was just wondering— where'd you come up with Sam, Dean, Cielo, and Diana in the first place?"

Maybe Someday; Sam WinchesterWhere stories live. Discover now