Chapter Six

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Cielo's hands started to get clammy. "Um," was all she could say. The woman looked at her expectantly. "I... are you Jenny? Jenny Rosas?"

"Who's asking?" The woman demanded.

Cielo let out a breath and took out the original birth certificate with her birth name and the name of her biological parents. It was given to her along with her original file at the Foster Home when she turned 18. "My name is Cielo... originally Cielo Mendez?" She hadn't used that name in such a long time, it felt almost fake coming out from her mouth.

The woman's stare on her softened, but hardened at the same time. "How did you find me?" Was the first thing that Cielo's mother asked her. It was understandable, but of all things, that's what she asks?

"When I turned 18, the Foster Care system gave me all my papers and stuff that I belonged there. And my dad gave me my original birth certificate and proof that I'm actually a person in the U.S." Cielo tried to add humor, but her birth mother didn't laugh. Not even crack a smile. It made her regret coming here. "I can go if you want me to. I just... I just wanted to meet you is all. I don't want anything or need anything..."

Jenny sighed but opened the outside door. "Come in."

Cielo looked back at the Impala with her three favorite people staring intently at what was happening. She gave them a thumbs up and Dean nodded and pressed on the gas. The Impala strolled away. "Who're they?" Jenny asked the girl.

Cielo walked into the house and replied. "My sister and my two friends," she said. Keep answers short. "You have a nice house."

From her place, the house seemed very organized and clean aside from the slight smell in the air of dog fur. It was well kept and it was obvious she got good money from whatever job she had if she had one. "Who is it?!" Another voice called throughout the house.

"Take a seat, do you want anything? Drinks? Food?"

Cielo shook her head and took a seat on the armchair. "No, thank you."

"Jenny, did you hear me? I asked—"

A man presented himself from the hall. He was taller than Jenny. He had features incredibly similar to Cielo's and at that, she felt her heart beat quicken. She didn't think they would still be together.

"Shh," Jenny had said to the man. She looked at Cielo. "This is my husband Julian." Jenny looked up to Julian. "This is Cielo. You know..."

Julian's eyes practically popped out of their sockets. "I thought it was an anonymous drop off?" Julian questioned quietly.

"Nothing ever stays anonymous, Julian," Jenny replied.

"I..." Julian sighed and looked at Cielo.

"It's nice to meet you," she said, standing up and sticking out her hand.

"Likewise," Julian said, grasping her hand hesitantly. "Did you... need something from us, or...?"

Cielo shook her head quickly. "No, no. Nothing like that. I just wanted to meet you and I was in the area."

"Where do you live?" Jenny asked her.

"South Dakota. With my dad and my sister. But these past few weeks I've been traveling."

Maybe Someday; Sam WinchesterWhere stories live. Discover now