Chapter Eighteen

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Sam paced and paced throughout the motel room. What happened to her that she was suddenly missing? Had Gordon escaped and taken her? So many bad things were going on right now, not to mention the premonition that Sam had about Cielo. She needed to be here, she needed to be okay, but when he woke up from a nap, she was gone.

Diana and Dean were out on a beer run and had been gone since before Sam fell asleep, so there was no way Cielo was with them. He tried calling her cell, only to have it sent multiple times to voicemail. God, Gordon got her. She's gone.

Diana and Dean came back into the motel with plastic bags rustling together in their hands. "God, Sammy, you shoulda seen the convenience store. Some dude decided to take a massive— what's wrong?" Dean paused as he saw the look on Sam's face.

Sam's heart rate was going a million beats a minute. "Cielo's gone! I just had a vision she died and when I woke up she was missing! I tried calling her cell, but she won't answer and I'm..." Sam's vision started going blurry and the look on Diana's face instantly changed. There was no way her little sister was missing.

"You're sure you called her?" Diana panicked, setting the bags on the table.

"Of course I'm sure I called her! She hasn't answered one!" Sam exclaimed.

Diana fished out her own phone from her pocket and dialed the number.

"Okay, everything's fine, just the friend that keeps us together missing, that's fine," Dean mumbled, setting down his bags and getting his phone.

Diana started to panic more as her call went to voicemail. "She's not answering," she told Dean.

"Okay, you really have no idea where she could've gone?" Dean asked Sam.

"I... no? I mean, she would've left something if she were going somewhere, right?"

"Yeah, that's not like her. Listen, me and Diana are gonna go out and look for her," Dean said, picking up his keys in an instant.

Diana nodded, "Yeah, we'll check the library, book store, anywhere she could've gone."

"Okay," Sam nodded. "What do I do?"

"Stay here in case she shows up again. Call us if she does, alright?" Sam nods frantically, giving Dean and Diana the cue to leave the room.


It wasn't for another half hour that the door opened and in came Cielo. Perfectly okay. Sam couldn't help the relief he felt when she came in. "Where the hell were you?!" Sam demanded, standing up from the bed.

She was taken aback from the sudden outburst Sam gave. "I went to town to see if I can find any cases around. I wanted to answer your call, but my phone died," she explained, shrugging off her coat.

Sam was breathing heavy. "You cannot be going anywhere by yourself, Cielo," he said.

She furrowed her eyebrows. "Why?"

"It's dangerous out there!"

Cielo scoffed at him. "I think you're underestimating me, Sam. I know how to use a gun, I know how to fight, Hell, I've taken down a wendigo double my size and was fine. Why the sudden outburst?" Cielo questioned.

"Couldn't you have gone to a pay phone or something? I was worried sick!"

"Sam. Stop, okay? I'm fine. There's no reason why I wouldn't be. I can take care of myself."

"What if Gordon got out somehow, huh? What if what we thought we killed is still out there?"

She crosses her arms. "Why are you suddenly underestimating me?! I told you I'm fine! You never would have doubted me before, so why are you suddenly thinking that I can't take care of myself?"

"Because the real monsters are plain humans, Cielo! You have to know that! It's not safe out there, especially with Yellow Eyes still running around!"

"What is this, Sam?!" Cielo demanded. "What is this sudden infatuation you have with me?! You've yet to talk to me about where we stand after you took my virginity, you can hardly say that you just care about me because I know you! Caring about me isn't all of it, so what is it?!"

"Do you think I enjoy this? This— this infatuation of mine?" Sam demanded in return. "This horrible need to know that you are okay? To know that the premonition that I just had hasn't come true yet? To realize that you can hurt me by just getting hurt or being put in danger?"

"Well, stop it then!" Cielo snapped. "If caring about me is such a nuisance to you, stop it! It doesn't do much for either of us!"

"I CAN'T." Sam snapped. "That's what kills me! The fact that you can even ask that of me just shows just how ignorant you are about the power you have over me! Why can't you just let me take care of you, Jess?!" As soon as he says it he pauses, his eyes falling closed. He fucked up. "I didn't mean—"

Cielo stopped him, only staring back at Sam. "I get you care about me and I get that you're scared right now, but this is me we're talking about. I can take care of myself. I didn't become a hunter or willingly learn all those things from Bobby to not use them," she told him. "And if you think that for one second I'd let my guard down for any reason that might put me in danger, then you've officially lost it, Sam Winchester."

Before Sam could reply, Diana and Dean came into the room and stopped when they saw her. "Cielo! You've been here?" Dean questioned.

"I just got back," Cielo said. "Sorry I didn't answer the phone, my phone died."

"It's fine, I'm just..." Diana wrapped her arms around her sister. "I'm just glad you're okay. Did Sam tell you—"

"About the vision, yeah, he mentioned it."

Sam and Cielo didn't exchange another word after that for the rest of the day. Not even when they got onto the road. She kept her headphones in the entire trip.

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