Chapter Eighty

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Cielo lets out a quivering breath as the call is ended. No going back now, the plan was on. She makes eye contact with Rowan, who's sitting at the war table for Cielo's moral support. She gives a curt nod, letting him know that the plan was falling into action. Stella's cries echo throughout the bunker from the baby monitor, making Cielo's heart pause for a second before she reacts.

Sam was coming home, she kept reminding herself. He has to.

"What if something goes wrong?" Cielo whispers, hoping that Rowan can hear her over Stella's wails.

"Then we step in," he replies, placing his hand over hers comfortingly. The girl's eyes fall to the ring on her finger, the light making it shine more than what it would normally look like because of how dirty it was. She lets her eyes flutter closed as she lets out a short breath. She nods and gets back up, her "mom" stance coming back and ready to step back into her role.


Later, Cielo's surprised to see Dean, Cas, and Diana back at the bunker. "Hey," she says, anxiety already starting to bubble in her chest when she doesn't see Sam.

"What's going on?" Rowan asks, coming into the library with Kevin trailing behind him.

They all examine the tablet that was placed on the table. Kevin pays more attention and Cielo's stare shifts from the tablet to Kevin, and back. Stella sleeps soundly in Dean's arms, clearly a comfort to him and the anxiety he was probably feeling from leaving Sam alone to finish off the trial.

"Is this a joke?" Kevin questioned, not looking up from the rock.

"No," Castiel replies. "It's the Word of God."

"What?" Rowan mumbles from next to Kevin.

"It's a tablet," Dean clarifies. "Alright, translate. That's what you do."

Kevin chuckles humorlessly. "Okay. Um, it's the Angel tablet, which I've never laid eyes on in my life." Kevin stands up from his leaning stance and walks over to the cart of liquor off to the side of the library while Cielo's gaze still remains on the tablet. "You want a translation in like six hours when it took me six months and a dead mom to translate a piece of the demon tablet?"

Cielo stares intently at the tablet, almost zoning out, when she feels her head almost start to buzz. A silent high-pitched hum starts ringing in her ears and she has to look away for it to stop. What the fuck. That didn't happen when she would look at the demon tablet, so why would her mind start doing that now?

She shakes her head, snapping herself out of it and looks down at the baby in Dean's arms, still fast asleep without a bother. "You told me I was out, Dean," Kevin continues from a speech she wasn't listening to.

"Yeah, well-"

"And if this is gonna be the 'Guys like us are never out' speech, save it," Kevin snaps, not budging a bit until Castiel is suddenly pulling him up from the chair he was sitting in by the shirt. Castiel pulls him up until his face is only a few inches away from Kevin's and the glass of liquor that Kevin poured himself is shattered on the floor.

"Dean's right," Castiel snaps.

"Cas!" Dean helplessly says, already passing Stella back to Cielo in case he may have needed to pull them apart. Cielo bounces on her heels a little bit, keeping Stella asleep and focuses back to the situation playing in front of them.

"There is no out. Only duty."

"Get the hell off me," Kevin spits, trying to shove the angel off with no luck.

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