Chapter Thirty-One

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Cielo creeped against the wall and once she got to the corner, she stopped. She looked over and found the monsters that the voices belonged to. The voices she heard from the entrance of the building. One was tall and lean with a buzz cut. The other one was shorter and had longer hair.

"What about that hunter?" The shorter one asked. "She seemed like she was onto us."

"Easy," the tall one replied. "We kill her and get out of town. Just like we've been doing."

The voices fade away as they walk the opposite way. Cielo takes the opportunity and walks from behind the wall to the unconscious victim sitting against a post. The man with a gag in his mouth opens his eyes as Cielo's footsteps approach. He starts to strain, grunting against the strains. "If you wanna get out of here alive, you have to shut up," she spits, setting down her bow and taking out her pocket knife to untie the strains on his hands.

The victim is breathing heavy while Cielo works and once they've snapped, she goes on to undo the gag. Once they're off, she looks at him. "Run that way," she tells him, pointing the direction she came from. "Stop when you get outside of the building. If I'm not outside in fifteen minutes, run to town," she instructed.

The man nodded quickly and scrambled to get up and run the opposite direction. Cielo flipped her knife closed and got her bow off the ground. She grabs one of the arrows that she dipped in dead man's blood and holds it against the bow, drawing it back and ready to shoot. She walks to the direction the vampires walked to.

Once she saw them, she was quick to hide behind a shelf. She looked over and found the vampires sitting on a couch and watching whatever it was on the T.V. She took a deep breath and drew the bow and arrow and aimed it at the shorter one's head. She let it go and hid behind the bookshelf again. As she heard the steps of the other vampire near her, she took out a syringe of blood that she kept in her pocket and got it ready. When the vampire was in her grasp, she stabbed the syringe and emptied the blood into the vampire's neck.

Once the vampires were dead and Cielo had dropped off the victim at his house where she saw him greet his wife, she sighed and drove away. Back to where it all began.


Upon her return, Cielo expected Bobby or Diana to reply when she called that she was home. And when no one did, she rolled her eyes and walked further into the house. And then she found them in the study with a guest she didn't expect to see again.

Cielo froze in her spot as she looked at him. He grinned a little bit, walking around the desk to greet her. She started to breathe heavy, her memories flashing back to that horrible night four months ago. "Dean," she whispered.

"Hey, kid," he said, stopping a foot away from her. Cielo dropped her bag and bow on the floor. "Don't attack me, please. Diana and Bobby went through that already," he told her.


Dean shrugged, "I don't know."

Cielo didn't care. Diana and Bobby already went through it? That was enough for her. She took a step and wrapped her arms around his neck, hugging him like her life depended on it. She was afraid to let go. She was afraid he'd disappear again if she did. He smiled, hugging her back.

Once they did part, she smiled up at him, something that neither Diana or Bobby had seen in a while. "You know, I'm actually kinda surprised you're here right now. Where were you?" He asked her.

Cielo went to pick up the bag and bow before answering. "Nashville. I was on a vamp case."

Dean looked shocked. "Vampire case? You don't look anything close to hurt," he commented.

The girl shrugged. "It was an easy case."

With that, she went up the stairs to drop her things.


Later when she went back down after a shower, Dean waved her over. "I was gonna ask, do you know where Sam is?" He asked her.

As if nothing happened and her best friend wasn't alive and in front of her, she went back to her cold behavior. "Hell no," she answered. "Last I heard he was raiding Massachusetts and doing yoga," she mocked, turning her back on him and going to the kitchen.

"What's going on with her?" Dean asked Diana.

Diana hesitated, looking back at Cielo for a second and back at Dean. "Not a story for my telling."

Dean shrugged and went back to finding a way to track Sam's phone.

It's five o'clock somewhere, she thought as she picked up a bottle of liquor and popped open the cap. She grabbed a glass and filled it with the drink. "Already?" Bobby questioned.

"Five o'clock somewhere," she repeated, bringing the glass up to her lips.

"Listen, I'm not very fond of this new you that you're putting out."

Cielo scoffed, throwing back the drink and facing Bobby. "I don't recall asking for your input."

"If this is all because of Sam—"

"Maybe it is, Bobby," she snapped. "Maybe it's because he broke me right down the middle and maybe it's because the supposed love of my life took my entire personality with him when he left and went rancid, so yeah, maybe it is."

She filled her glass as she talked and sipped the drink as she walked out of the kitchen, leaving Bobby there. Ever since Cielo came home crying three and a half months ago, he hated Sam with everything in him and prayed to God that he would never try and contact him. Now he just hopes he's alive and that's enough for him.

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