Chapter Ninety-Seven

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     After killing Cain, Sam forced Cielo on bed rest. While she was physically recovering from her injuries, she spent most of the time asleep while he insisted on handling Stella. Stella asked millions of times if she could see Cielo and every time, Sam told her that Cielo was sick and didn't want Stella sick, too.

     In reality, guilt ate at Cielo that she couldn't be Stella's mother for the time being. She missed holding her and missed talking with her. And she would go see her, but Sam was insistent on Cielo staying in bed and focusing on getting better.

     Dean, Cas, and Diana weren't much different either. Between the four of them, they'd take turns bringing Cielo food and water while trying to ignore the biggest elephant in the room which was how Cielo was doing mentally.

     Not good.

     On the first day of three on bed rest, Ciana came and visited with Charlie when they finished their hunt after Charlie's return from Oz and graciously brought her a few new books and some souvenirs from Oz in case she was bored while Sam had her on "bed arrest," as Charlie called it. Cielo still hadn't touched them.

     Then on the second day, Rowan popped back in and was the only one brave enough to ask how she'd been doing since the fight. Cielo only shrugged and stated that she was had a new peace of mind that one less issue was running around.

     And on the third day, Sam came in for the third time that morning and knocked as if it wasn't his room, too. While running around with Stella, he'd managed to find a lead in the process of helping Cielo and immediately got Charlie, Ciana, and Diana working on it, leaving Dean at the bunker and helping Cielo around.

     "Hey," Sam said gently, leaning against the doorframe with his hands in his pockets. His eyes lingered on her for a minute, scanning over the skin he could see and noted the small scratches on her face that had now turned into small dots as they healed. The bruises on her cheek had now gone down a bit and was a faint purple and the swelling in her eye had gone down to its normal size. He was checking for any more visible signs of discomfort, but it looked like those were the worst of them all.

     Cielo glanced at him, giving a small smile in acknowledgment. He got up from his position, taking his hands out of his pocket and walked over to the chair set by the bed, sitting down with a small grunt. Cielo grinned a bit, looking up at him with her head still on her arm.

     "Viejito," she commented playfully, her voice tired and drained.

     Sam scoffed, leaning his elbows on his knees. "Shut up," he retorted back, smiling as she laughed softly. "How're you feeling?" He asked.

     Cielo shrugged the shoulder she wasn't lying on. Aside from the soreness in her abdomen and the ache in her cheek, she felt fine. "Like I was thrown through a window," she joked lightly, her lips perking up at the corners. Even though she was thrown through a window, she smirked at herself for the joke.

     Sam chuckled, shaking his head at her. He reached out, pushing some of the hair falling in her face behind her ear. "Yeah, I bet," he said, rubbing his thumb on her head before retracting his hand. "Scared the hell outta me."

     Cielo nodded, biting the inside of her cheek. "Yeah, me too," she whispered, thinking back to the thoughts she had during the fight with Cain. She held herself back from exploding and slaughtering him in that barn.

     Sam shifted in his chair, his expression turning more solemn. He wished he was there to help her fight Cain. He didn't want her to do that alone, but he remembered the relief she had when she came back out and he was still there. He took her hand in his, rubbing small circles on the back of it. "You did good," he assured her. "You controlled it."

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