Chapter Fifty-Seven

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Cielo didn't even hear when Sam, Dean, and Diana got back. She had been busy folding laundry in her room with her MP3 going on the radio.

It had been ages since Sam had woken up with his soul back in place. She couldn't really recall how long it had been because she had been putting all her energy in moving past the whole Soulless Sam ordeal. She was better now, initiating kisses and hugs between her and Sam and was better at reminding herself that this was Real Sam and not the douchey one. She was getting better and putting it all in the past.

She liked doing these things by herself. There was no one else that was going to help her move past these things other than herself. No one needed her dirt on their shoulders when she could easily brush it off her own, given time. No one knew her better than she knew herself. Well, aside from her family, she presumed.

She hummed along to the 5 Seconds of Summer song playing when she heard the heavy footsteps that she immediately recognized as Sam's. She turned around, finding exactly him. He had a dull look on his face, one that he had when he was feeling down or when he knew he did something wrong. She brushed it off for the time being, wanting him to just get settled first before bringing it up. She smiled a little bit, finishing up with the shirt that she was folding. "Hey," she said, putting the shirt down.

Gloomily, Sam placed his bag down by her bed and looked up at her. He gave her a sad smile, sitting in an empty area that wasn't covered in clothes. Cielo frowned, moving some of the clothes next to him over so that she could sit. "I wasn't gonna mention it yet, but..." she reaches over and grabs onto one of his hands. "What's going on?"

"How..." Sam sniffled and Cielo took notice of how his lip quivered. "How did you deal with him the entire year and a half?" Sam asked, looking up at her.

Cielo furrowed her eyebrows. "Who?"

"The other guy. Me, but not me. The one without the soul." Cielo's heart clenched, her eyes closing and memories began to flood her mind. All the ones that she put away into the dark empty space of her brain. "He hurt you, Cielo. I hurt you."

At that, Cielo immediately opened her eyes. She shook her head at him. "No, you didn't. It wasn't you."

"But it was!" Sam cried. "It was my hands on you. It was my face you looked at. It all suddenly made sense. Why you were acting so distant when I woke up from the panic room."

So he had noticed.

"Sam," she called softly, urging him to look at her. "Sam." He finally looked back up at her, his eyes rimmed with tears that were ready to fall at any given time. Cielo hesitated a little bit, looking down at their hands. "I'm not gonna lie to you," she said. "I could never lie to you. What... he did, it scarred me. He would grab me and force me and push me around like a doll..." Sam shook his head, not believing that it was his hands that did that to her. If it were anyone else, he'd kill them in a heartbeat, but it was himself.

Cielo placed her hand on his cheek and made him look at her. "But none of that pushed me away far enough to where I didn't believe you were gonna come back. I kept hope every single day that you were coming home and look at you now. You're here now. I'm fine. I'm okay. It took me a while, but we're together now."

Tears streamed down Sam's cheeks and Cielo wiped them away with her thumbs. "I'm so sorry, Ci," he cried.

"I forgive you, Sam. I promise."

Sam sniffled again, wrapping his arms around her shoulders with her head against his shoulder. She hugged him back without a second thought and let him hold her and continue to apologize if it was what was going to make him feel better.

"What else did I do?" Sam asked, pulling back and rubbing his face.

Cielo frowned, not wanting to unlock that part of her memories. "Sam, no. The wall-"

"I need to know, Cielo," he said seriously.

Cielo sighed before standing up and standing in front of him. "Are you sure?" She asked him.

Sam nodded, wondering what could've been worse than laying a finger on her in the first place. It got much worse, because when Cielo lifted her shirt, fresh scars were scattered across her stomach and sides. Soulless Sam's form of fun in the bedroom. Sam lifted a hand to his face, shaking his head, wondering how someone could've let that happen. "I..." He was completely speechless. What could he say to that?

That he was sorry?

It was a miracle that Cielo forgave him at all. If he were her, she'd kicked him to the curb a long time ago. "Baby, I'm so sorry," he cried again, looking up at her. "I..." He broke down completely, everything spilling out of him. Cielo stood in between his legs, wrapping her arms around his shoulders and hugging him close to her body. He wrapped his arms around her waist, his grip extremely loose as if he was gonna hurt her.

Cielo ran her fingers through the hair on the back of his head, giving him some sort of comfort, despite the situation they were in. "I'm gonna set this right," Sam says, looking up at her. "I promise I'm going to."

Cielo caresses his cheek and leans down and places a short kiss on his lips. They hadn't kissed throughout the entirety of the time he was back. Those kisses she initiated? All varied from his cheek to his forehead and to his jaw. Never on his lips. Sam felt his stomach flip at her kiss, never wanting it to end.

"I missed you, Sammy. I know I didn't show it at first, but I promise I did," she says, looking deep into his sad eyes.

He kisses her again, feeling at home. He pulls back, pulling her down so that she was only sitting on his thigh. She continued to comfort him as he cried, multiple apologies coming out one after the other because how could he do that to someone like Cielo?

Even if he was soulless, wouldn't he have known better than to do that to her? To his best friend in the entirety of this earth?

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