Chapter Five

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Throughout the weeks of being on the road, the group had downgraded from two rooms to one. Diana and Dean would take turns between the couch and second bed, whereas Sam and Cielo just shared a bed. They were best friends after all.

Cielo hadn't known of the kiss that Sam had shared with a girl named Lori (someone who all the murders of what they concluded to be a hookman connected to), yet he felt guilty. Why, he wasn't sure. He just knew that it was something that she should've known and something that he shouldn't have lied about. Sam didn't know why he suddenly felt the need to tell her something like that, when technically, it was none of her business. But being best friends had a certain pull on him that he needed to tell her everything and anything.

Just not this.

Cielo didn't mind that Sam didn't tell her everything. Hell, she hadn't told him everything either. Like how she had met a guy at a bar that Dean had dragged them all to and was very close to going home with him, but decided against it. It was tempting, but she didn't know this guy and she didn't want to risk the factor of her dying from a stranger when she was on the road hunting things that went bump in the night.

So, she lied to the relatively handsome man that she had just gotten out of a bad relationship and wasn't interested in anything he was offering. It worked because he left the topic alone after that. When he left back to his friends, Dean stared at her incredulously. "Seriously?!"

Cielo furrowed her eyebrows and sat on the stool by Diana. "What?"

"You declined getting laid?"

Cielo rolled her eyes. "Not everything is about sex."

"Except when it is!"

"Okay, well, I wasn't interested," she finished.

Dean scoffed as Sam interjected. "So get this," he said, turning the laptop so that it faced the group. "Looks like a woman named Lyla Anderson hung herself in room 315 of the Copper Queen Hotel in Bisbee."

Cielo's ears perked up. "Arizona?"

Sam nodded, "Yeah. Cops ruled it out as suicide, but next door residents swore up and down that they heard another voice talking to her. There's been three more within three weeks that died the same way in the same room."

"Could've been the phone," Diana interjected. "Speaker phone is a thing."

"Unless it wasn't," Sam said. "They also said that the latest victim was clearly on the phone with a man..." Sam looked up at the trio in front of him. Cielo listened intently. "The other voice they heard was a woman."

Cielo got the jitters. "Spooky," she giggled.

"Think it's a case?" Dean asked, taking a swig of his beer.

"Could be," Sam nodded.

"Better get on the road then. Ghosts won't wait for us," Cielo said and stood up from her seat.


The amount of facts that Cielo knew about Bisbee, Arizona was quite concerning to Diana and Dean. To Sam, she was just interested in her home town. The four decided to regroup outside the hotel where there was a good amount of breeze and the blue sky and sun hidden by gray clouds. The forecast never mentioned rain, so maybe it was for tomorrow instead. "Maybe this wasn't a case after all," Dean said after investigating the room that the suicide had happened.

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