Chapter Twenty-Five

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To say that the party that Bela forced the group to go to was just boring was an understatement. Cielo grew so bored that she took a glass of champagne from one of the caterers and chugged it. Diana looked at her shocked.

"Slow down there, cowboy," Diana told her sister. Diana got away with wearing a long, brown satin dress that clung to her body nicely (to which, Dean mentioned that if Diana wasn't a lesbian, then he would totally hit on her if he could) with a slightly larger leather jacket on top. Diana never did dresses, but considering that this was a fancy "rich-people" party and they desperately needed the hand of the ghost who was killing people by drowning them, she decided that the only way she'd get in was dressing like a rebellious rich girl.

"Don't tell me what to do," Cielo commented, setting the glass on the counter behind her. After the little breakdown she had weeks ago, she had visibly grown more quiet and kept to herself. She wouldn't really talk unless she was talked to and even when Sam tried to get her to open up, she'd direct the conversation to somewhere else.

Cielo grinned to herself when she spotted Sam slow dancing with the old woman related to the first victim. The only way they were able to get into the party was through her and her specific request that Sam would go as her date. To say the least, he was annoyed that he couldn't go with her. Sam looked over to see her and sighed hopelessly. He wanted nothing more than for her to be the one he was slow dancing with in that moment. She looked amazing.

When the group had gone shopping, Cielo was very indecisive to what she even wanted. Diana went around, picking things that would suit her while Dean flirted with the store clerk for a discount. Sam was sitting patiently, waiting for her to come out and model the dresses Diana picked, and she looked absolutely amazing in all of them.

But the simple spaghetti strap dress that was an off white looked the best on her. The front fell to her mid-thigh and the back fell mid-knee. It was perfect. Sam begged her to get it. That it was the dress that suit her the most and looked the most beautiful on her. Cielo was reluctant, but considering that this was Sam begging her to get it, she did, with a pair of heels in the same white.

And now, there she was, smiling at Sam with her hair up in an elegant ponytail and Diana by her side. Sam was completely head over heels for the girl.

Cielo hadn't seen Sam since they got there and now that she did, she felt butterflies in her stomach. She sighed dreamily as she stared at him. "You're being so obvious," Diana told her.

All Cielo could do was shrug. "Oh well."

"Why don't you go cut in? Looks like he could use it."

Cielo looked over at Diana and considered it. She did want to dance with him. This might be their only opportunity to. She took another large gulp of her fresh glass of champagne and set it down. "Alright, wish me luck."

"Break a leg," Diana comments, watching her walk through the crowd of dancers until she got to Sam and Gerty.

Sam looked at her, hope in his eyes. "Mind if I cut in?" Cielo asked Gerty politely.

Gert sighed and looked up at Sam and back at Cielo. "Very well," she said, removing herself from Sam. She was convinced that Gerty thought that she was trying to steal Sam from her. It made her giggle. Sam sighed in relief when Gerty left and his hand remained on her lower back. Cielo placed hers on his shoulder and grabbed his hand.

"You saved my life, how could I ever repay you?" Sam told her as they swayed gently to the classical music.

Cielo shrugged, looking up at Sam. "Get me the new Tessa Bailey book, and we'll call it even."

Sam rolled his eyes playfully and nodded. "Alright, you got it."

Cielo let out a laugh and Sam's heart flipped. He didn't realize how much he had missed hearing her laugh until she did. "I never took you as a dancer," she told him. "Might be the craziest thing to ever surface."

Sam chuckled at her. "I'm just full of surprises. Just like how I never thought I'd ever see you in a dress after prom that one year."

Cielo rolled her eyes. "Bobby made me wear a dress. You would think he wouldn't care."

Sam rolled his eyes and thought back to his date. "Can you believe she called me firm? That's the worst thing anyone could've ever said."

Cielo laughed. "She isn't wrong. But then again, I've seen it all, she hasn't seen half." Sam stuttered and flushed red. "Don't be embarrassed. I once had a guy tell me I reminded him of his mother."

Sam looked shocked. "You're kidding."

She shook her head. "Nope. Talk about mommy issues."

They were silent for a beat before the champagne in Cielo's system took over and she ended up with her head on his shoulder. Sam was taken aback, but he held her tighter and placed his chin on her head. They moved their hands so both his hands were on her back and hers were wrapped around his neck.

The stares from Diana and Gert didn't bother either of them. It was like all the world's problems completely vanished into thin air. They were both completely lost in the little world they shared and there was no one there but them. Cielo sighed and smiled to herself. She never felt more comfortable in another man's arms than how she felt in Sam's.

There was absolutely nothing and no one to change the way they felt about the other and nothing in the entirety of the universe to tear them apart.

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