Chapter Eighty-Seven

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     Sam was angry and she knew he was, but she would've thought that since their last real conversation (which was literally two weeks ago), they would've moved on from what happened and at least be sleeping in the same room again. He'd been leaving her in their original room with Stella while he's taken the room on the opposite side of Stella's nursery now that she was sleeping all night in her crib.

     The only time that he would talk to Cielo was something regarding Stella.

     It was driving Cielo mad. To the point where she got annoyed and went to the room he's been sleeping in and found him sitting on the bed and packing up the things he had around the room. It wasn't much, just one of the three baby monitors they had and some clothes on the chair. She furrowed her eyebrows and wondered if he would be moving back into their room (frankly, she was tired of sleeping alone) before knocking lightly on the door with her right hand. She leans against the door as Sam looks at her with an expression that she can't really put her finger on until he nods.

     "I'm glad you're here," Sam says. "I was just about to come talk to you."

     Cielo furrows her eyebrows, cocking her head slightly to the side. "Oh?"

     Sam pauses for a moment before responding, like he has to think about which words are best for him to use. He shrugs slightly, going back to packing his duffle. "I caught wind of Garth and turns out he's in the hospital. After being convicted for killing a cow."

     Cielo's eyebrows furrow even more as she blinks at Sam, not processing his words right away. "A... cow?"

     "A cow," Sam confirms, zipping up the duffle.

     "Oh," Cielo murmured, scratching the back of her head. "Um... okay? So, you're... gonna go see Garth?" This completely shot down her plans to talk to Sam; it made her shoulders slump and her mood fall more than it was.

     He sighs, not knowing exactly what to tell her. She could tell he was throwing thoughts around his head. "Uh... you know I have to go see him."

     Cielo nods quickly, straightening up off the doorframe and uncrossing her arms. "No, yeah," she stutters, picking at her thumb nail. "Yeah, of course. You should go."

     After a moment of silence, he speaks up again, his tone having slightly more of an edge to it. "Are... you upset that I'm going?"

     Cielo shakes her head fast, it almost makes her dizzy. "Not at all," she rushes out. "Just... be careful, I guess." She mentally cringes at her choice of wording. You guess?! "In case it's something more," she clarifies.

     "I'll— I'll keep my guard up," he replies, trying to sound reassuring. It doesn't come off that way. He nods at her once before walking to the door, past her, and down the hallway to the direction of their room.

     Cielo huffs, watching him walk into their room for more of his things. It makes her frown hearing him talk like they were nothing more than coworkers when they had a full daughter napping in the nursery they set up together and legal papers that said they were married. It was like their marriage was falling apart and he was already getting used to the co-parenting that would happen in the event of them getting divorced or separated.

     She shivered.

     Maybe I shouldn't think about that.

     She walks past their room, scratching her head nervously and speed walking when she got to the room until she got to the entrance of the library where Dean and Diana were waiting. "Nothing?" Diana asks when Rowan comes out of the kitchen with a beer.

Maybe Someday; Sam WinchesterWhere stories live. Discover now