Chapter Sixty-Six

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Cielo sighed, running a hand over her forehead and sitting up on the shitty bed. Sam had been missing the entire night and even if it had been ages since Bobby's death, she still couldn't get over it.

The first couple of weeks were brutal. Sam's instructions were to care for the wound and help her around, but she couldn't find the strength to even get up and eat or drink. She didn't want to do anything but lay in bed and sleep or just stare at the wall. Sam didn't hold her accountable, of course. He understood her position and her loosing her father was going to be hard, especially because they had such a good relationship, unlike him and his father. So he waited her out at first, but then her stitches started getting irritated, so that's when he started telling her that she had to let him clean them and he wouldn't take no for an answer.

She beat herself up a lot. She was shot before him. The bullets shouldn't have hit him if they hit her. She shouldn't have survived, he should've. He should've been the one to be helping them with Dick Roman and actually making an effort, not her when she could hardly breathe without it aching.

She looked over at her phone when it started ringing on the little table next to the bed and furrowed her eyebrows. She grabs it, staring at the number in confusion. She didn't recognize the number at all. She looked around, not seeing Diana, but saw Dean fast asleep, so she figured it might've been her sister or Sam.

She wished she didn't answer. But, as soon as the man explained the situation, she dropped her phone and got up, bolting to the door and grabbing her jacket and waking up Dean in the process.


As soon as they barged into the doctor's office with Diana behind them (she was outside when the hospital called), the doctor behind the desk looked up at the three. "Okay, you can't just barge in here without an appointment!" The nurse said after them.

"They said, 'talk to Kadinsky,'" Dean said. "You Kadinsky?"

"You need to be scheduled!"

"Well, then, schedule me!" Dean snapped at her.

"He was in a car accident," Cielo said helplessly to the doctor. "Why can't we see him?"

"You're Sam Smith's wife," The doctor states.

"Yes," Cielo nodded, making a mental note that she and Sam would be going by Smith while they were there. "Yeah, I am. I'm sorry for the intrusion, but I have to know what's going on," she explained quickly.

The doctor sputtered a little bit and looked at the nurse who was staring down with Diana. "I-It's fine," he said. "Thank you. Really." The nurse glares at the three of them and storms out, closing the door behind her. As soon as the nurse leaves, Kadinsky stands with a sigh. "Sam was admitted," he tells Cielo in particular. "He was treated for a broken rib and lacerations."

Cielo nods slowly, taking in the information. Diana speaks up from next to her. "Okay, not too bad."

"And?" Dean demands.

Kadinsky glances at Dean for a second before looking back at Cielo. "And... he's on our locked psychiatric floor." The doctor obviously seemed like that was the last thing he wanted to tell Cielo, he can see it in the way her expression falls.

Dean scoffs softly behind her and before he speaks up, Cielo looks at him, begging him to let her handle it. He does, motioning her to continue. Cielo nods at the doctor. "Yeah, okay. That's... he's been having some trouble recently," she sighs.

"So you're aware that Sam is experiencing a full-blown psychotic episode?" It was like he was judging her. Like a mother judging another mother's parenting.

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