Chapter Eleven

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The first thing Cielo noticed when she woke up was how dry her mouth was and how sore her abdomen was. She sat up in the bed slowly, not to give any more unwanted pain through her body and sighed. She noticed the blank walls and the furniture that looked too nice to be in a motel room. Confusedly, she looked around more. She saw the bed she was in and noticed the blue scrub-type pants that clung to her waist and the white t-shirt that hugged her figure comfortably.

She looked at the bracelet that was placed on her wrist and started to panic when she realized she didn't have the bracelet Sam made her. But, she got up anyway and started to make her way out of the hospital room. She poked her head out first, checking to see if there was anyone there. There wasn't, so she kept on going.

And she kept taking lefts and rights until she ended up in a lobby. She walked up to the receptionist and put a smile on her face, disregarding the pinch she felt in her abdomen every time she walked. "Excuse me, hi," she said and walked closer to the desk. "I..." Cielo tried to think of the last event she remembered.

She remembered John pushing her against the wall and finally putting the pieces together that John was being possessed. She remembered crying out for Sam as they Yellow-Eyed demon slashed gashes into her stomach. Then, she remembered being on the way here until suddenly, she wasn't.

"I think I was in a car accident," she finishes. "Do you think you can tell me where my friends are? And my sister?" Cielo leans against the desk and receives no reply from the blonde behind the desk. "Hello?" She questioned and waved her hand in front of the girl's face. Still, no reply.

"Cielo!" An exasperated Dean called from the distance. Cielo's neck quickly went to the side and she saw Dean.

The girl sighed in relief, "Thank God. This lady wasn't being very nice," she said as Dean jogged to her. She wrapped him in a hug. "You look better, how are you feeling?"

Dean shrugged, "Like air."

Cielo chuckled up at him and looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "What?"

Dean sighed and dragged the girl away from the receptionist. "I'm guessing you haven't put two and two together?"

"For what?" Cielo asked him. "Where's Diana? And Sam?"

Dean stayed quiet and continued to bring her with him down the hall. "Dean, what's going on?" She asked him.

"Just... follow me."

Cielo continued after Dean until they made it to a hall with a few rooms side by side. Cielo stopped when she noticed Sam in one of them. Up and walking. He was okay. She didn't even care that John was in the room, she just wanted to go up and hug the crap out of Sam.

Cielo never felt more relieved. She was about to walk in until she was stopped. Dean had kept her back. She looked up at Dean. "C'mon."

Cielo allowed Dean to hold her wrist and drag her behind him until he slowed down in front of a room. He looked into the room sadly; she slowed her step beside him and looked into the room too. Her heart dropped to her feet.

Diana sat by the hospital bed. Her knee was visibly bouncing up and down anxiously while she held onto her sister's hand. Her sister's cold hand. Cielo saw how her body lay motionless on the bed. A million different wires all connecting to some part of her body with a breathing tube stuck in her mouth. The body on the bed breathed slowly, the heart monitor beeping every time there was an exhale.

Maybe Someday; Sam WinchesterWhere stories live. Discover now