Chapter Ten

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John was shot in the leg, but he was fine. He was possessed by the Yellow Eyed Demon, who Sam scared off. A separate mission on its own. Dean was severely hurt due to the demon's torture to him and Cielo was also hurt pretty badly. Demons tend to be able to look through their vessel's minds, which led to Yellow Eyes seeing how much John had disliked Cielo and it turned out with her getting cut across the chest and sides and being hit and pressed against the wall. Diana wasn't as hurt as Dean and Cielo, but was still was struck a couple times by the demon.

The moment Cielo started to scream out in pain, that's when Sam snapped and attacked the demon. Yellow Eyes had already taken his mom and Jess. He would die before he let Yellow Eyes take Cielo.

She was gushing out blood and her skin slowly started to pale. Same thing with Dean. His cuts on his chest weren't getting any better and his consciousness was going in and out. And when Yellow Eyes finally left John's body, all three people stuck to the wall fell, but Cielo's injuries were more extreme. The second she hit the floor, she was out. She had completely gone limp as more blood pooled around her. Diana and Sam checked on her first after Dean's protests to attending him. He was still awake. Hardly, but still awake. They needed to get to Cielo.

"Cielo, c'mon, get up," Sam begged, holding her to him.

Cielo made no attempt to move. Sam's heart broke in half seeing her once lively skin turn ghostly pale and receiving no response. Diana removed her flannel and tied it tightly around Cielo's torso to try and stop the bleeding. She only whimpered but remained limp in Sam's arms. "Get her to the car," Sam told Diana urgently. "I'll get... I'll get Dean and Dad."

Diana wasted no time in wrapping an arm around Cielo's waist and one of hers around her shoulders. Diana was just as afraid of losing her as Sam was.

Once everyone was in the car, Diana sat in between Dean and Cielo while Sam drove as quick as the law would let him with John in the passenger's. Sam was talking aimlessly to John and Diana, though Diana paid no attention. Her best friend and her sister were dying on both sides of her and overall she felt extremely overwhelmed.

"I'm surprised at you, Sammy. Why didn't you kill it?" John questioned Sam. "I thought we saw eye-to-eye on this. Killing this demon comes first- before me, before everything," John said.

Sam looked in the rearview mirror and saw his brother barely holding on to his life and Cielo looking back at him through the mirror. They kept eye contact for a second. The demon was the least of Sam's worries right now. The hospital was ten minutes away and his best friend and his brother were dying in the backseat. His pressure on the gas pedal increased slightly.

"No, sir," Sam replied. "Not before everything." Sam's eye was killing him and so were his knuckles. But he needed to suck it up for Dean and Cielo. "Look, we've still got the Colt. We still have the one bullet left. We just have to start over, alright? I mean, we already found the demon onc-"

The entire car was hit by a semi. If Cielo wasn't hanging on then, she sure is now.


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