Chapter Seventeen

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Dean was taken and who the hell knew where that man was. Cielo, Sam, and Diana didn't know where to look and all they knew was that they were dealing with a djinn.

After their little thing, Sam and Cielo were visibly calmer in Diana's eyes. They didn't have too much tension on their shoulders anymore. No, they still hadn't discussed what would come next, but they were in a good place for now. When Diana and Dean weren't around, they'd sneak in little kisses and Sam would wink at her from across the room during research when neither Dean or Diana were paying attention.

Cielo would smile and look back down at her book.

But now that Dean was missing, they didn't have the energy or motivation to do anything but look for Dean.


It was sunny outside when Dean shut off the lawnmower. He went inside for a second to grab a beer and went back outside and took a seat on the steps by the door. He sighed in contentment. He had his mom with him, an amazing girlfriend, Diana off in her own life, the only thing he missed was Sam. He wondered when he would come in.

As if cued, a car pulled up in front of the house by the curb. Dean wondered who it was. He couldn't tell from the tinted windows. But once the car came to a complete stop, it clicked who it was. "I don't believe it," Dean mumbled, standing up from the steps.

Sam stepped out of the driver's seat as Cielo stepped out of the passenger's. She took in the Kansas air and smiled a bit at Dean while shutting the door. She was taken by surprise at the amount of strength Dean had when he hugged her. "Ugh! Cielo!" Dean greeted her.

She couldn't move as Dean hugged her like his life depended on it. "Good to see you, too, Dean," she said. Dean chuckled happily until Cielo spoke up again. "I can't breathe, okay?" Dean immediately let her go and she finally took in a breath.

"Sammy!" Dean smiled at his brother as he approached.

"Hey," Sam replied unsure of Dean's behavior.

"Hey, look at you!" Dean hit Sam's shoulder. "You're with Cielo! I don't believe it." Dean kept a stupid grin on his face as he chuckled.

"I... yeah, we've been together for years, Dean..." she trailed off.

"Where'd you guys come from?" Dean asked, disregarding Cielo's statement.

"We just flew in from California," Sam replied.

"California! Stanford, huh? Law school, I bet." Dean looked over at Cielo. "Cielo, what're you studying, huh? Something with reading, I bet?"

Cielo nodded and adjusted the strap of her bag on her shoulder. "Uh, yeah, English."

"I see you started off Mom's birthday with a bang, as usual," Sam pointed out, motioning to the beer bottle in his hand.

Dean paused and stared at Sam. "Wait. Mom's birthday— that's today?"

"Yeah, yeah, Dean. That's today. That's why we're here. Don't tell me you forgot."

Dean's smile fell. "Well..."



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