Chapter Eight

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As Sam's premonitions and leads towards the yellow eyed demon continued, he'd been moving around a lot more in his sleep than before. And now that John was suddenly on a case with the group, Cielo had every urge to either kill him, punch him, kick him, or all of the above. And Cielo wasn't one to be doubted.

Diana had to hold her back four times in one day. As much as Diana wanted to help her, Bobby would quite literally kill them both.

But as Sam spun the car to a stop, ready to confront John, Cielo's heart started to beat quicker. Dean said her thoughts out loud. Another fight was about to happen between Sam and John. Cielo was ready this time. Sam got out of the car with a determined expression while the other three followed his actions.

"The hell was that?" John demanded.

"We need to talk," Sam replied.

"About what?"

"About everything." Cielo almost felt proud how Sam towered over John. "Where we going, Dad? What's the big deal about this gun?" Dean stood helplessly in front of the other two while Diana and Cielo stayed closer to the car.

"Sammy, come on, we can Q&A after we kill all the vampires," Dean said desperately.

"Your brother's right. We don't have time for this."

Cielo already felt her blood boil.

"Last we saw you, you said it was too dangerous to be together," Sam told his father. "Now, out of the blue, you need our help. Now, obviously something big's going down, and we want to know what!"

"Get back in the car."


Cielo was silently cheering on Sam. And was also resisting the urge to grab a gun from the trunk and shoot John dead.

"I said get back in the damn car."

"Yeah, and I said no."

She got butterflies at Sam's confidence.

"Alright, you made your point, tough guy," Dean said. "Look, we're all tired. We can talk about this later. Sammy, I mean it," Dean grabbed the front of Sam's shirt and pulled him away, "Come on."

Sam started to walk towards Cielo, so she stood up off the car and was ready to get Sam. "This is why I left in the first place," he told her.

"I know," she whispered back.

"What'd you say?" John questioned.

"No, Sam, don't." Sam was ready to fist fight (and so was she but all three men literally towered over her).

"You heard me," Sam replied and turned back to John.

"Yeah," John nodded. "You left. Your brother and me— we needed you. You walked away, Sam. You walked away!"

"Cut it out!" Cielo tried to say when John gripped Sam's jacket.

"You're the one who said, "Don't come back," Dad. You're the one who closed that door, not me!" The girl struggled to pull Sam back from John's grasp. "You were just pissed off you couldn't control me anymore!" Sam screamed. John wanted to hit Sam. It took Cielo, Diana, and Dean to pull them apart.

"That's enough!" Dean shouted and stood in the middle.

Cielo only held Sam back, she didn't try to talk to him or anything because she knew that if she did, he wasn't going to listen to her. "That means you too, John," she spat.

"You're not one to talk, little lady," he spat back at her. Cielo wasn't afraid of John like how Dean and Sam were. She hated his guts and wished he would drop dead. "If it weren't for me, you would still be going back to back, ruining families."

Cielo tried to run over and punch John, but Dean stopped her. "Enough, Cielo. Get in the car."

"Let me at him, Dean. Let me show him how you lived your entire life!" She fought against Dean, but she was no match.

Sam's heart melted at the way Cielo was willing to take down John. She'd taken down a wendigo double her size and fought against a demon and won, and she was willing to kill for him. God, he loved her.


"C'mon, Cielo," Diana told her, taking her from Dean. Diana knew that if her and Dean let her, she would beat John to a pulp. She was always mistaken for her size and underestimated, but being as short as she was had its perks and lucky for her, she knew how to handle men.

And Cielo wasn't afraid to kill John.

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