Chapter Forty-Three

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When the man pulled up to the motel Cielo and Sam would be staying in, Cielo got out first, stretching her legs and squinting against the sunlight. Sam closed his door, thanking the man and walking to the trunk of the car. Cielo met him at the back as he opened the trunk. "We're actually doing this?" Cielo asked him, putting her hands on her hips.

"New beginnings," he replies, grabbing her bag first.

Sam is persistent to the clerk in the motel on the two beds for their room. After offering to get Cielo her own room, of course, which she denied and said that one was fine. And when they walked into the room, two beds as promised. She lets out a breath, walking in before Sam and looking around at the room she would be calling home for however long they would be there.

She's sitting on her bed, flipping through the channels as Sam is pouring gasoline on their fake ID's, pulling his lighter out right after. "You're positive?" She asks him.

He sighs, flipping the lighter out and lighting the flame, staring at the identification photos of him and Cielo with fake names and companies. "Yep," he answers, dropping the lighter in the sink, letting the flames engulf the cards.

Cielo stands up, standing next to him, watching her photo burn and disappear into ash. She looks up at Sam and is hesitant at first, and does it very slowly, but wraps her arms around his waist, cursing the memories in her mind for flashing like a warning sign. He looks down at her, giving her a second before wrapping one of his arms around her shoulders. She's tense, but slowly gives in to the comfort.

Both of them ended up getting a job at the bar a few blocks away from the motel. Cielo as a waitress and Sam as a busboy. She liked the job for what it was. Just serving and picking up after the guests. She could wear whatever she was comfortable in and got the hang of the job quickly. But, with new job, came new names.

She went with something simple, one that wouldn't draw too much attention. She ended up with Allison Argent. How she got there, she would never know, but it was fine and she got used to being called that instead of her name or usual nickname. It took everything in Keith to not call out "Ci" in the middle of their shifts. Which, they were glad that they had the same of.

As Sam wiped down the counter with a soapy rag, Cielo smiled at him, grabbing the bottles of beers on a tray. He smiled back, glad to see her grow more and more comfortable throughout the days. She turned around, holding the tray on her palm and grinned at the butterflies that appeared in her stomach at his smile. She set the beers on the table in front of the two men engrossed in a conversation about whatever game happened the night before and left before they could notice that she was there.

Later that night when no one was in the bar anymore, the other waitress working threw darts at the board, missing the bullseye every time. Cielo sat by Sam, seeing that her shift was over, she was just waiting on him. "Hey, Keith, you play?" Lindsey asked Sam, earning both Cielo and Sam's attention.

"That depends," Sam answers, "what are we playing for?"

Lindsey hesitates before she answers. "World peace."

Cielo and Sam snort, exchanging a glance between the two. "Oh, is that all?" Sam questions.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Shoot," Sam replies, tossing the rag at Cielo, to which she catches and gets up to put it away.

"You finish that, uh, crossword puzzle in the kitchen?"

"Uh, I-I guess. Why?"

"The New York Times Saturday Crossword?"

Sam is unfazed at the information. Cielo smirks to herself, silently priding herself on how she managed to lock down a man as smart as Sam. "Was it?"

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