Chapter Fifteen

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The case of what they knew was a werewolf wasn't as difficult as they thought it would be, but it seemed too easy. A girl who's been stalked by her ex boyfriend and a coworker who flirted with her dying? Lunar cycle intact? It was too easy.

It was Cielo and Sam to stay with the girl all these murders were surrounding. Ironic? To say the least, yes. The tension as their feelings towards each other grew more and more was excruciatingly visible to Dean and Diana. They'd tried anything to get Cielo and Sam to admit it, but both were too damn stubborn. They would exchange their own little language between each other whenever there was a Cielo and Sam moment and agree to leave them alone and see if the alone time would make them cave. It never did.

When Sam won the paper rock scissors match against Dean, Diana didn't even try to fight Cielo, because she needed to stay with Sam. As they were leaving, Diana looked at Madison. "I know we're on the job, but my partner and me have been trying for ages to get them together," Diana tells her. "Maybe you could help out?"

"And have them sleeping together in my bed? No," Madison replied.

"No, no, none of that," Diana whispered. "Just to get them... I don't know... to admit their feelings to each other?" Diana looked at Madison with hope.

Madison glanced back at the duo as they talked in the kitchen. "How long have you been trying to get them together?"

Diana let out a sigh as she thought about it. "Ages. Probably since they were 16."

Madison's eyes bulged out of her head. "Oh."


Madison nodded enthusiastically. "Leave it me."

"Thank you," Diana sighed out.


Sam and Cielo had seated themselves at the table. They usually had so many things to talk about, but it was almost like they were way too awkward to. As Madison walked by with her mail, she glanced at the duo and smirked a bit. Sam kept glancing up at Cielo while she played with her bracelets and whenever he'd look away, she'd look at him. She thought about what to do. The couch was fairly large, but considering the closeness of Sam and Cielo, they'd probably sit by each other rather than how far apart they were at the table.

"Um, do you guys want to sit on the couch?" She asked them, earning their attentions.

Cielo and Sam shook their heads quickly. "No. No, we're okay," the girl told her. Sam nodded in agreement.

"It's more comfortable," Madison pried.

Sam waved his hand and shook his head. "Um, we're fine."

Cielo smiled up at Madison and she set the mail down and left the table. She let out a breath and sat back in her seat. Sam scratched the back of his head awkwardly. And when she returned, Cielo noticed the laundry basket in her hands. She tensed up.

She tensed up even more as Madison dumped out the contents of the basket. Underwear. What is she doing? She thought. Sam looked away from the pile on the table as soon as he realized what they were. Both of them wanted to leave. Neither of them knew what Madison was trying to accomplish.

"You know what, on second thought, I think I will sit on the couch," Cielo said quickly and pushed the chair back and stood up and walked off in the matter of seconds. She cringed in her head at how fast she left the table.

Maybe Someday; Sam WinchesterWhere stories live. Discover now