Chapter Three

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The drive to Jericho was quite boring. Yet, Cielo was completely entertained. Her and Diana were sitting together in the backseat with a deck of cards and multiple rounds of Paper Rock Scissors and Sam was sitting right in front of her.

Cielo thought about the crush she'd had on Sam. After he had gone to California for university, she had sworn that she hadn't liked him anymore. He was only a friend and it was never going to happen in any universe. So with that thought, she had dated some guy in her Economics class at college for a good four months. Until he lost feelings and decided to call it off. Cielo wasn't as upset as she thought she would've been, but it didn't bother her. And then she dated another guy in a different course for about six months until, surprise surprise, he cheated on her with the teacher's assistant.

She just shrugged it off and moved on. Because at the far back of her mind, she knew that Sam would never do such a thing and she would always have some sort of feeling for her best friend.

It was until Sam turned in his seat and looked over Cielo's shoulder to look at her cards that the girl started to finally feel the butterflies throughout the entire trip. Her eyes slightly widened in surprise at the closeness of Sam's face and Diana immediately noticed from her seat across. Diana grinned and switched the place of one of her cards.

"What're you playing?" Sam asked her and tilted her wrist slightly to get a better look at the cards.

"Uno," she replied with a slight quiver in her voice. She cleared it out quickly, "It's the only thing we have." Uno was Cielo's favorite game and the only one that she brought with her. The good thing was that Diana liked to play it, so it's not like anyone was bored.

Sam nodded and let go of her wrist gently. "put down the three," Sam suggested.

Cielo took his advice, placing the yellow three onto the stack.

Diana kept her grin as she took a blue 3. Cielo huffed, grabbing another card from the stack.

"Damn," Cielo mumbled and watched as Diana went to pick up a card from the deck in front of them that was hanging on by a thread and shaking with every rumble the Impala gave.

Sam chuckled at the girl and turned back around in his seat, lost in his head.

He wondered what Jess was doing and what he would wear to his interview on Monday. Then his mind drifted off to the first time he met Cielo. And then he thought about Jess's reaction to when he told her about Cielo. She had a confused expression on her face, one that Sam couldn't quite decipher, but she smiled and begged him to tell her more about Cielo. Sam went on a thirty minute rant about his best friend.

He loved his friend like a sister and the fact that she was only a few months younger than him triggered the jokes that she was always going to be his "little sister" and that "he was older and had more authority."

It all annoyed Cielo to the max.


By the time they came across the crime scene on the bridge heading into Jericho, Cielo decided to hang back from the brothers and Diana and took out her camera from her bag. She got out of the car with them and stood over the bridge. She took in the way the sun shined on her face and how warm it felt against her dark clothing. She loved California and its weather. She sighed and looked down at her camera. She powered it on and let it turn on before she pointed it to the landscape before her and clicked the button to capture the photos.

It may have been cliché that she would have such an obsession to taking photos of her trips, but she loved having something to remember the places that she'd been. After being in foster homes for the first 16 years of her life, she took advantage of the fact that she could travel as much as she did.

Sam looked over in the direction of Cielo as she stood not too far from the rest of the group and smiled as she lifted the camera to her eye and snapped photos of the scenery. She always said she loved the traveling part of hunting and seeing her with Diana and Dean that first night came as a shock to him that she willingly came, but never complained. He was grateful that he got to see his best friend again.

"Agent Mulder," Dean said, gaining Sam's attention. "Agent Scully."

Once the three of them walked back to the car, Dean called out. "Cielo, let's go!"

"In a second!" The girl replied, still taking photos.

Sam chuckled to himself. "I see she hasn't changed in the past two years," he tells Diana.

Diana snorts and shakes her head. "Not a bit. She's still the same, lame Cielo."

Sam looked at Diana, "she's not lame," he defended.

"You're only defending her because you know you two are practically the same person," Diana challenged.

Sam was about to go and say something back, but couldn't think of what to say. Diana grinned in victory as Cielo came running back. "It's about time," Dean tells her.

"Shut up," she tells him. "I wasn't that long."

They all pile into the car and remain quiet as Dean drives the car towards the town to find John Winchester.

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