Chapter Ninety-Four

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"What even is a beneficiary?" Cielo asked into the phone, folding up one of Stella's onesies. "Sounds like a big word for Bobby to have gotten himself into."

"Tell me about it," Sam replied. "We're headed Connecticut, but Diana's already with us, but—"

"Say less," Cielo said. "Come get me."

Sam's quiet for a beat, almost thinking his words. "You sure?"

Cielo furrows her eyebrows in question. "Why wouldn't I be?"

Sam sighs softly, making her stand up straighter and grab the phone from where it was being held between her shoulder and cheek.

"It's... you feel, I don't know, ready... to get out there?"

"Well, Sam, this is just me and Diana being Bobby's next of kin," Cielo explained. "It's not like it's a hunt."

"Do you... feel okay?"

Cielo rolled her eyes a bit, sitting down on the bed. "You mean demony?" When Sam didn't reply, Cielo continued. "Sam, I feel fine. Only thing remotely concerning is that the mark itches, but I'm fine."

"Okay," Sam replied. "You're right. I'm sorry. We'll come get you."


Cielo looks up at the mansion in front of her with a small frown. "Wow," she mumbles, letting Stella crawl over her lap to look out the window.

They all got out of the car, Stella easily going on Cielo's hip as Sam ends up next to her. "Think we're a little underdressed? I mean, the Fed threads are in the trunk."

"You kiddin' me?" Dean questions. "For once, we don't have to wear suits."

"Lucky my waistband's not elastic," Diana comments, following Dean up to the door.

Cielo scoffs, eyeing the perfectly kept plants and stone statues. Dean rings the doorbell just as Cielo catches up to them, standing beside Sam with Diana since they're technically the ones that have to be there. "Fuer Elise" starts playing instead of the usual ding when ringing the doorbell. Cielo hums in mock surprise.

"Shocking," she mutters.

     "Mama, big house!" Stella says, completely captivated by the house in front of her.

     "I know, baby," Cielo agrees, looking around at the house, too.

The doors open, revealing a blonde in a maid's outfit with wide eyes and a sharp jaw. "May I help you?" She asks kindly.

"I'm Cielo Winchester," she replies. "This is my sister, Diana Singer, my husband, Sam, and my brother-in-law, Dean, we're here on behalf of Bobby Singer."

The maid blinks, almost trying to register it. It raised a few red flags in Cielo's head. "Mr. Singer won't be coming?"

"No, he passed a few years ago," Diana replied.

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that."

"Condolences for you, as well," Cielo said politely, swaying slightly.

"Thank you," the maid replies with a small smile. "Well, you just missed the funeral, but the family's relaxing inside, if you'd like to join."

Cielo exchanges a look with Diana, almost mentally debating before Diana nods. They both look at the maid with a nod, following her into the house that Cielo has to take a breather because of how extravagant the interior was.

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