Chapter Thirty-Seven

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FALL, 1999

This family was a stubborn one. Never taking her pranks too seriously...even laughing at them. Being in as many homes as she'd been in in the past 16 years, you'd think she'd led this family to their limit. Yet, she still hasn't. Damn toxic positivity.

She never let pranking interfere with her school work. At her locker, she bit the inside of her cheek, tapping the pen against her chin as she thought of anything new to add to the list. Considering that she had just turned 16, her Foster Parents would assume that she'd be maturing and setting the pranking to the side for her studies, but she was very good at balancing the two. And when the couple realized that nothing would stop her, they had no choice but to contact the agency and talk about her return.

As much as her plan worked, it still hurt that this couple would give her back just like all the others. None wanted to deal with her mischief and none wanted to give her a chance. She closed the journal and tossed it into the box next to her. The only thing that remained in her locker was the text books and notebooks that she'd still use for the rest of the week until the agency would come and get her. She closed her locker and fixed the bag on her shoulders, leaning down to pick up the box. And when she got barely a few steps in, the bottom of the box gave out and everything fell through. She stood still for a second, throwing her head back with a groan and dropped the box. She took off her bag and opened it, ready to throw in whatever she can't carry.

Sam made his way towards the front of the school to meet Dean in the car, but paused when he saw a girl on the floor, picking up little knick knacks off the ground and toss them into her backpack. He glanced at the door, finding the black Impala with Dean leaning against it. He sighed and walked over to the girl, picking up a few things on the way. He knelt down without saying a word, picking up her books and sticky notes.

"You don't have to," the girl said. "I'm perfectly capable."

"Just helping. It'll beat me up later if I think that I didn't help the girl with a mess in the middle of the hallway," he replied, picking up another novel and looking at it. "Little Women, huh?"

She scoffed, taking the sticky notes from his hand. "What, you got something against the March sisters?" She teased, dropping the pack of sticky notes in her bag.

"Not my cup of tea, but not something I wouldn't try," Sam replied, still holding the books. Cielo snorted quietly and zipped up her bag. Sam noticed the patches on the cover. He followed as she stood up, swinging the heavy bag onto her back. When she finally looked up, she smiled a little bit, staring into his eyes.

"Hm, I like your eyes," she mutters.

Sam stutters and chuckles awkwardly, trying to ignore the fact that his face is heating up like an oven. "M-Mine?"

Cielo nods, still smiling. "Mhm."

"I, uh, thank you. I like your..." he looks down, seeing that he was still holding the books. He holds them out for her to take, "books. I like your books."

Cielo takes them, still smiling up at him. "Really? These patches are from trying to hide the covers with paper bags but, uh, you know."

Sam is still smiling as he shoves his hands into the pockets of his jeans. "Why would you do that?"

Cielo shrugs, holding the books to her chest. "Can't show people that you're a nerd nowadays, can you?" She jokes. She didn't really care, but it used to get to a point where the books were ripped up in front of her. She hid the covers and wrote a random subject on the paper so it looked like a text book.

Sam chuckles, leaning down to grab the forgotten cardboard that was supposed to be a box. "Heading out?" He asks her.

Cielo nods, "I am. Are you?"

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