Chapter One Hundred

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     She felt numb. She'd completely lost all sense of her emotions and even with the photo of her, Stella, and Sam in her wallet, she couldn't feel anything other than what the mark was telling her to feel. Even as she drew the sigil to summon Death, she didn't feel anything. No fear, no anxiety. Nothing.

     When the bar stopped shaking, Cielo looked around curiously, lowering her gashed hand and wrapping it with a rag she found on the counter.

     "Don't tell me that's queso," she heard. She jumped a bit, turning and finding the man himself eyeing the food she set out. After remembering that Dean had told her that Death was apparently a big fan of food, while gathering supplies to perform the spell, she stopped at the first place she found and figured that good Mexican food would be suitable as an offering.

     "Yep," Cielo replied, walking towards the tray. "Picked out some of my favorites that I thought you'd enjoy," she told him, picking up the tray and walking over to him. "Quesabirria, tamales... uh, I hope you consider this an offering."

     Death leaned over a bit, smelling the tacos and tamales, grabbing a tortilla chip to dip into the queso. "For?"

     She took in a shaky breath, the reality of the situation settling in the pit of her stomach. "I want you to kill me." Cielo stared seriously at Death, a look that would give anyone else the chills, but he simply dipped the chip into the queso and brought it up to his mouth.

     Death paused at her words, his eyes locking onto hers. There was no hint of fear in her eyes. Only determination and defeat. "What I find truly fascinating, Cielo..." Death smacks his lips, humming a bit in surprise. "That's good," he says. " that you and I both know that I've been burned by you Winchesters before," he tells her, walking around her making her look like a maid in the middle of the abandoned bar. "Yet you still call."

     "I'm aware," she says, walking back over to him where he looked at the rest of the food she had set out. "Not this time. It's me, not the brothers." She set the tray down on the bar and raised the sleeve of her sweater. "I know you know what this is," she says, revealing the mark. "I know you know what it can do. I've tried fighting it. I've tried having it just be me versus the mark," she mutters, watching Death look back at her eyes. "And I can't win. No matter what I do. You... you're my last move."

     "Well," Death says. "I never thought I'd see the day. My goodness." Death sits on one of the stools, making Cielo's gaze move down to look at him. "Cielo Winchester has tipped over her King," he comments, leaning down at taking a sip of the jamaica Cielo brought. "But I won't kill you, Cielo."

     "You're Death," she says, the only emotions she feels now are defeat and remorse.

     "And that mark on your arm is the first curse," he replies. "Nothing can kill you."

     She sighs, lowering her sleeve again. "Okay, forget killing me, can you get rid of it?"

     "I could," Death replies, making hope fill her chest for the first time since Bobby's cabin.


     "Creatio ex nihilo—" Death quotes, making Cielo furrow her eyebrows. "God created the earth out of nothing— or so your Sunday-School teacher would have you believe."

     "Okay, Genesis is a lie, what about it?"

     Death sighed, standing up and walking a few slow steps away from Cielo. "Before there was light, before there was God and the archangels, there wasn't nothing. There was the Darkness, a horribly destructive, amoral force that was beaten back by God and his Archangels in a terrible war," he explains. Cielo listened intently on every word that was said. "God locked the Darkness away where it could do no harm, and he created a mark that would serve as both lock and key, which he entrusted to his most valued lieutenant, Lucifer. But the mark began to assert its own will, revealed itself as a curse, and began to corrupt. Lucifer became jealous of man. God banished Lucifer to Hell. Lucifer passed the mark to Cain, who passed the mark to you, the proverbial finger in the dike."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04 ⏰

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