Chapter Twenty-Four

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As Cielo looked through the books of lore on how to get Dean out of the deal, she couldn't help but almost cry at the graphic photos of a soul burning in Hell. None show or explain how a person can get out of deal and even if they died before their time was up, they'd still go to Hell.

She was alone in the motel room. Sam, Dean, and Diana had gone out, God knows where, and invited her, to which she declined. She was breathing heavy as she stared at the photos in the book. She slammed the book shut and put her face in her hands.

Why would he do that? What went through his head when he suddenly decided that selling his soul to save Cielo was a good idea? She was nothing special. Sure, she did everything to take care of her family, but it's not like what she did made any difference. She made sure they all ate, she took care of their injuries, she made sure they knew how important they were, but it's nothing that they are incapable of doing.

She ran her hands over her face and felt her heart clench at the thought that because she died and came back, Dean would be dying and never coming back in a handful of months. He was dying because of her. What if he didn't care that much about her but did it because it would make everyone else happy? What if the only reason he did it was because no one else would?

What if the world didn't need her?

Cielo released a shaky breath and rubbed her arms in hopes of getting her to calm down.

She wasn't that good of a hunter. The only thing she was good at was causing trouble for the four most important people in her life.


She would've been better off staying in the Foster Care system until she turned 18, where she could survive on her own.

All she does is get hurt and become a burden to her friends and sister.

Cielo couldn't help the tears that fell from her eyes at the realization of the entire situation. No matter how hard she tried and how much she fought herself, she couldn't save Dean. No miracles, no spells, no rituals, nothing could save him from the hellfire that'll consume him.

And it was all Cielo's fault.

Maybe Someday; Sam WinchesterWhere stories live. Discover now