Chapter Thirty-Three

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With the new information that Dean learned about Ruby and how Sam has been using his abilities, and not only that, but an angel who raised him from Hell, it was least to say that his mind was completely out of it. Now everyone was in Bobby's house and Cielo was hellbent on avoiding Sam at all costs. She never came out of her room for any reason other than using the restroom and going to the kitchen to get another bottle of liquor, all of those happened when Sam wasn't in the house.

As Sam slept, Dean got up and went to the kitchen in search of anything with alcohol in it, only to find half empty bottles and mostly empty. He was about to grab one when there was a thump from upstairs. It didn't even stir Sam awake. And there were no other footsteps, so it probably didn't wake up Diana or Bobby either. Dean left the bottles and walked up the stairs quietly to see what was going on.

Once he got up the stairs, he looked through the rooms and listened intently until he reached Cielo's room. He knocked gently before opening the door. There she was. Huddled on the ground in front of her bed. There was a spilt bottle of liquor beside her, but she didn't even seem to care. Her knees were pulled up and her face was hidden in between with her arms wrapped around them. She was crying. She hadn't shed a tear since she came home that night.

"Cielo? What's going on?" Dean asked, glancing at the clock on her desk. "It's past midnight, why aren't you asleep?"

She sniffled, looking up at Dean. "I..." She couldn't even get another word out before she started crying again. Dean closed the door behind him and sat down next to her. "Why doesn't Sam love me anymore?" She cried, letting her legs fall flat against the floor.

Dean's heart cracked. He was the reason she was like this. "He does, Ci."

Cielo wiped her nose and shook her head. "If he did, he wouldn't have cheated on me with that bitch," she spat.

"Tell me what happened. No one wanted to tell me," he told her gently. He knew she was drunk off her ass, but this was the only way for her to open up to him. The new Cielo never wants to hear Sam's name, let alone talk about him and what happened.

She let out a breath, her eyes burning from the excessive crying. "Um," she looked down at her hands drunkenly and sighed. "After you were bit in the ass by Hell's dog," she slurred. Dean rolled his eyes at her interpretation, but didn't say anything. "We... We were all really sad. You know? Who wouldn't be? My best friend died because I died and he had to sign a deal where he had to die in a year and it was all really sad—"

"Kid, you're rambling." Cielo shut her mouth and Dean let out a small laugh. "After I died?"

"After you died, Diana came home with Dad for a bit and Sam wanted to keep hunting. He wanted to find a way to bring you back to life. And I didn't want to leave him alone, so, I went with him. And at first, it was fine. We were both really sad and we would hunt monsters a little bit, but then he started getting..." Cielo's lip started to quiver a bit. "He started getting angry. He wouldn't stop drinking. And he would drive so fast that we had to start hiding out again like if we were being hunted again," she said quietly. "And one night, he was just... busted. Completely drunk off his ass. Like I am right now. But worse. And Ruby showed up." Cielo said her name with venom. "Turns out, hey, she wants to help Sam get ready to save the goddamn world out of the goodness of her teeny tiny black stone heart.

"And I was mad," she whispered. "I was mad because Sam never told me that he even saw her again. I don't even know where I was and he never said anything. And we were supposed to tell each other everything because we were in love. And then she started..." Cielo's voice cracked and she took in a shakey breath. "She started teaching Sam how to use his powers. And me and Sam got into a fight over it. I said that he shouldn't trust Ruby. That she probably had worse intentions and was using him for something bigger and he said that he didn't care what I had to say." Another tear fell down her cheek. "He said that all I wanted was nothing that would help us. And he was drinking still and I tried to tell myself that he just didn't mean it, that he was just grieving. And so, I took the keys to the Impala and gave him and myself some space." Cielo was getting even more emotional now.

Dean was furious. He had anger building in his blood. After what Sam told him, he realized that Sam didn't tell him everything.

"I went to get some food. I said, hey, maybe it'll help him sober up and we can talk with both of us in our right minds. But when I came back—" Cielo sobbed and covered her mouth. "When I came back, Ruby was on top of him and neither of them had anything on... It was like I was never there. Like if he never wanted me in the first place," she cried. Dean swallowed down his anger and wrapped an arm around her, pulling her close to his chest. "They didn't even know I was there. I just left the food and took the keys and Baby because I thought that you never would let him close to your car if he did something like that."

Dean shook his head, rubbing her head. "You were so right."

"And... he never called. He never did anything. I just left him there with that whore and came home. And when I came home, I cried and cried until I realized that I shouldn't be crying over him. And I—" she cleared her throat and sat up from Dean. "I emptied everything. I threw it all away. And I started drinking too and I started hunting by myself and... I just tried to forget it ever happened. Everything reminded me of him, so I got rid of all of it."

All Dean could do was sigh and hug her again. He understood why she could never forgive Sam. He prayed to God that she never has to go through this again. Deep down, he hopes that they could get past this and be together because he knows that they're meant to be together, but she's hurting and it's all because of him. She's built this wall around her to protect herself from her feelings and completely separated her personality from who she is now. Sam got rid of the person she once was and Dean doesn't think he'll ever forgive him for that.

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