Chapter Seventy-Six

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As the brothers and Diana return to the bunker, Cielo doesn't hear them at first. She's busy in the nursery, putting away the final clothes and doing the final touches to the nursery. It isn't what she had in mind, but it's perfect.

Sam and Dean took out the bed from in the room and Dean held Diana back from putting together the crib. Surprisingly, it was a perfect color for the room. Cielo told Sam to push it to the corner of the room, moving the nightstand next to it and the dresser to the opposite side. She added a rocking chair (that Dean put together) by the dresser and set everything up in the diaper changing station. She added some decor and stepped back to admire her work.

When he didn't find her in the library or their bedroom, Sam made a beeline to the nursery and saw as she put up a few photos on the dresser. One of her and Sam from the day they got married and another of the baby's first ultrasound. He almost didn't wanna tell her what happened during the case. He had already promised he wouldn't get involved in the trials, and here he was, one trial in.

"How'd it go?" Cielo asked after glancing back at him as he stood in the doorway.

Sam shrugged, looking down at his shoes. "It's a hunt. As good as it gets. We survived, which is a good thing." Cielo grinned, looking back at him. Sam wanted to smile back, but he dreaded what he had to say.

"What's wrong?" Cielo asked him.

"I, uh..." He sighed, glancing down at Cielo's stomach. It was huge. It made his heart swell that it was his child in there, but it still made him feel awful that he was putting his life in danger before even meeting his and Cielo's baby.

It was Cielo's due month, after all. Any day now, the baby would be here.

"You started the trials, didn't you?" Cielo questioned softly, stepping in front of Sam. "Sam, you promised," she sighed.

"I tried," he replied softly. "But I couldn't stop it from happening. Dean tried to do the spell anyway and it didn't work. He even said that we could find a new case, but..."

Cielo sighed, closing her eyes. "The opportunity was there."

Sam nodded, finally looking up to meet her eyes. "I really tried. But think about it, we're already one step closer to shutting them down. For good."

Cielo stepped closer and hugged him tightly. "I just need you to be okay," she says.

"I know," Sam says, hugging her back just as tight. "I'm gonna close the gates and we're gonna have one less thing on our backs," he promises. "For the baby."

Cielo nods, still pressed against his chest. "I called Rowan," she says after a beat. "He's gonna come and help me with the baby after you get back to hunting."

Sam lets out a sigh of relief and holds her just a bit tighter. "I'm glad." The idea of Cielo being completely alone is what he dreaded the most. But now that Rowan would be helping her while he was gone, as much as he wished it didn't have to be that way, it set him at ease.

Maybe Someday; Sam WinchesterWhere stories live. Discover now