Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Cielo and Sam are laying on the bed watching T.V after a tough case with Dean and Diana at the table playing cards. Cielo has her head on Sam's shoulder and his arms around her shoulders as they watch Psycho playing on a random channel. "Imagine being there," she snorts. "We could probably crack the case the same day, given the chance."

Sam chuckles, nodding and rubbing her arm. "Norman Bates has nothing on us."

"Absolutely nothing."

Maybe someday, they wouldn't have to compare themselves to the investigators in a TV show. They could just watch and not even know what they were doing wrong.

They're quiet for a second and Dean smiles in victory and raising his arms. "I win. This automatically proves I'm a better card player than you," he tells Diana.

Diana rolls her eyes. "Like Hell did you win. You cheated!"

Dean drops his arms. "I did not!"

"You did! That was a six when you were supposed to put a nine!"

Cielo smiled at Dean and Diana as they bickered before eventually, Dean gave up and gave Diana the win. Dean stood up and finally saw the position of Sam and Cielo. "Are you dating?" He asked them casually, walking over the the other bed.

Cielo and Sam looked at each other and shrugged. "Who knows," Sam said.

Diana snorted and Dean rolled his eyes. He sat down and faced the duo seriously. "Listen, uh..." Sam and Cielo separated from each other and faced Dean. "Look. You guys have been pinning at each other since the very beginning. And if whatever you have goin' on is alright with you, then please, keep doing it, but I need you two to make it official," Dean said.

Cielo was gaping at Dean. "Make what official?"

"This! This little relationship you got going on. I want you two to be holding hands and all that other sappy shit when we're in public. I want you guys to call each other boyfriend and girlfriend because you both deserve it."

Sam sighed and looked down at his hands. "You two... You have this thing where it looks like you might be dating but then someone even mentions it and you're both completely closed off. Now, as my dying wish," Cielo rolls her eyes and scoffs, "I'm going to leave the room with Diana and give you time to talk and when I come back, you're either both naked or telling me that you're official."

Cielo and Sam are shocked at his request, and neither say a thing as Dean stands up and takes Diana with him. Once the door closes, they both stare at the ground in silence. Neither want to break the silence. It's comfortable like that, despite the awkwardness that's coming off both of them. "I guess he's right," Cielo mumbles, playing with her fingers.

Sam nods to himself. "Yeah. Maybe it's about time we talk."

Together, they take a deep breath and rearrange themselves so they're facing each other on the bed. "You want to go first, or..." Cielo trails off.

Sam shakes his head. "No, no. You go."

Ciera takes in a deep breath and rubs her hands up and down her thighs. "Okay, um..." She bites her lip in thought. "I don't know where to start."

"Okay, then I'll go," Sam says. "I think we should try to be together."

She's taken aback from what Sam just said. It takes her a second to even process what he said. "I— huh?"

Sam chuckles and starts talking again. "Is it risky? Yes. But, I feel like if something were to happen to you, it would've already happened." Cielo and brings up her death a year ago. "Okay, other than that. But, like Dean said. We've been basically dating this entire time. Why not make it official?"

Cielo smiles at Sam and then decides to bring up the cons. "But what about, you know, hunting? In this line of work anything can happen."

Sam sighs and nods. "I know. And, I also know that I don't have the best luck in the relationship department, but Cielo," he grabs her hands gently and takes a deep breath, "I love you. And I want to be with you. I want to at least try and if it doesn't work, then at least we can say that we did try. And... I don't know. Maybe someday... hunting won't be part of our lives anymore."

All Cielo could do is smile at the man in front of her. She felt like crying and the butterflies in her stomach made her feel like she might throw up all at once. Instead, she jumped up and launched herself at him, wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him with all she had. Sam smiled, falling back at the sudden weight on top of him.

Sam kissed back, wrapping his arms around her waist. It felt like everything was okay. Like Dean's time wasn't running out. Like monsters never existed and were never a thought to their minds. Because they were officially together and nothing was going to tear them apart.


a/n; i'm completely aware of how cheesy this chapter is but, you know what? it had to happen at one point. it doesn't get much cheesier than this 🤠

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