Chapter Eighty-Three

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Stella's wails can be heard through the room and it stirs both Sam and Cielo awake. Neither of them want to get up, but before Cielo can, Sam is already pushing off the blanket and standing up, and walking over to the bassinet on Cielo's side of the bed.

Cielo's eyes open and adjust to the darkness before she sees Sam's figure bend over and grasp Stella in his arms and pick her up with ease. Before she can process it, Sam is carrying her back to bed and sitting against the headboard with his legs crossed one over the other.

"Just wanted to be with Dad, huh?" Sam whispers, his words laced with grogginess. Cielo smiles tiredly, not lifting her head up from the pillow.

"Spoiled already," Cielo replies in the same whisper. "Is her diaper full?" Sam stays quiet a beat before shaking his head.

"No, she's okay."

She wasn't crying anymore, so Stella really just wanted to be with her and Sam. Cielo chuckles to herself, shaking her head before readjusting a bit so she was laying against Sam's side.

Stella looked so small in Sam's arms. To Cielo, it was like Stella wasn't even growing when Sam was holding her.

As Sam cradled Stella in an arm, he waited for Cielo to get comfortable before draping his arm around her.

Nothing seemed like it would bother them. Like they were in their own little bubble away from the dangers. Away from the fallen angels, away from the demon in the dungeon, away from the monsters, away from everything bad. Like their little bubble was a barrier against everything bad. It was a comfortable thought to Sam. To know that his family was always going to be safe because of the experience that followed them for the past 11 years.

Cielo shifted one last time before she let out a long breath and let her eyes close. Sam wasn't going to fall back asleep. Not when Stella wanted to be held and definitely not when he'd already gotten his five hours for the night. There were only a couple hours until his alarm rang. That alone was enough time to get Stella fed, burped, changed, get the energy out that she had, and put to sleep.

Sam looked back down at the baby and smiled at the big hazel eyes that looked back at him. His heart melted in an instant, melting into complete mush just because his daughter was looking at him with eyes just like his.

He knew just how down bad he was for his girls. He also knew the lengths he would go to for them.

There were no lengths.

Maybe Someday; Sam WinchesterWhere stories live. Discover now