Chapter Twenty-Six

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The group left Sam alone when he fell asleep at the table. Well, it was only Dean in the room with him. Diana and Cielo left when he fell asleep to go and find alternatives to the African Dream Root and try to contact Bela.

Even though Cielo wasn't in the room with him, Sam missed her quite a bit. Too much, if anything because he was dreaming of her coming into the room with only the two of them there. He dreamt that she was wearing a sweater and when she unzipped it, there was nothing underneath and it was all for him...

"Sam!" Dean's last call got him awake. His eyes opened slowly and a smile still remained on his face. A line of drool falling down his hand. Sam quickly became aware of his surroundings and sat up. He wiped his mouth quickly and Dean chuckled to himself before looking back to the paper in front of him. "Dude, you were out," Dean said. "And making some serious happy noises. Who were you dreaming about?"

Sam tried to come up with an excuse quickly. "What? No one," he lied.

"Come on," Dean pried. "You can tell me. Angelina Jolie?"


Dean blinked. "Brad Pitt?"

Sam turned to look at his brother. "No! No. Dude, it doesn't matter."

Dean stared blankly at Sam and looked back at his paper. "Whatever." Sam thought that that might've been the end of it before Dean smirked at looked at Sam. "Cielo?"

The color in Sam's face left within seconds. "Dude!" Sam squeaked.

Dean snickered and continued on. "I called her."

"Cielo? Yeah? W-What'd she, you know, say?" Sam is trying to play it off like he doesn't care, but that dream caused lots of feelings to surface. "She say anything that'll... maybe... help us?"

"Shockingly, no, which puts us back to square one. She said she called Bela and she told her to piss off." Sam nodded gently. "I've been trying to decipher the doctor's notes. Unfortunately, he has worse handwriting than you do." Sam remained in his seat as he tried to rid his mind of the vision of Cielo laying on the bed and moaning out his name. "You gonna come help me with this stuff?"

Unfortunately, thinking about forgetting it only made it worse. His pants were fitting uncomfortably now. "Yeah," Sam said. "Yeah. Just give me a second." Sam glanced down at his pants, and yeah. He wasn't going anywhere with that showing. He tried to play it off and start stretching, but there was a knock on the door.

Sam looked back at the door as Dean got up from his seat. He opened it a crack and saw Cielo and Diana with, unfortunately, Bela right behind them. Dean sighed and licked his lips in annoyance. He opened the door for them and Sam's eyes almost popped out of his head when Cielo walked in first with the same sweater as in his dream. "Don't you have the key?" Dean asked her.

Cielo pursed her lips and Diana walked in behind Bela. Cielo walked to her bed and the nightstand and lifted up the key. "My bad."

Dean shook his head and looked at Bela. "Bela, as I live and breathe."

"Cielo called, remember?" Bela questioned.

Cielo rolled her eyes and Sam shifted uncomfortably. "I remember you turning me down," she comments.

"Well, I'm just full of surprises."

She looks at Sam and so does Cielo. Sam is avoiding their gazes. "Hey, Bela. What's going on?"

They all look at him oddly. Cielo furrows her eyebrows. "I brought you your African Dream Root," Bela says. Sam is slowly facing away from Cielo as she approaches the bed closest to him. Bela pulls a glass jar out from her bag. Dean takes it from her. "Nasty stuff. And not easy to come by." Bela sets down her bag and starts untying her coat.

"Why the sudden change of heart?"

Sam is eyeing Cielo from the corner of his eye as she sits on the bed.

"What, I can't do you a little favor every now and again?"

Sam's breath is getting caught in his throat; Cielo is unzipping her sweater.

"No, you can't. Now, come on. I want to know what the strings are before you attach 'em."

Diana sighs and plops down in the chair that Dean was sitting at and notices how tense Sam is. Sam practically sighs in relief when Cielo's Metallica t-shirt is revealed under her sweater. She notices Diana's gaze and looks at Sam. He avoids looking at her, but tries everything he can to cover his bottom half from her. Cielo is taken aback and takes his actions into consideration. It doesn't take long before she puts two and two together. She looks around him and sees that there's nothing around him that can help him. She grabs her sweater and stands from the bed. She walks around him, pretending to pay attention to the conversation between Bela and Dean, trying to resist the smirk that wants to appear on her face.

She drops the sweater in his lap and he's grateful that she does. She plays it off by going to Dean and taking the Dream Root from him. "It's two a.m, where else am I supposed to go?" Bela asked Dean. Cielo walks to the safe, unlocking it and placing the jar by the Colt. She closes the safe and spins the dial to lock it.

Dean shrugs. "Get a room. Oh, they got The Magic Fingers, a little 'Casa Erotica' on pay-per-view. You'll love it."

Bela shakes her head at Dean. She grabs her things and storms off to the door. "Bye Bela!" Diana calls after her. Cielo and Dean look at Diana blankly. Cielo casually goes and sits behind Sam and places her head on his shoulder.

"You okay?" She whispers.

Sam shudders but nods. She grins and places a kiss on his cheek and moves away.

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