Chapter Thirty

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"Alright, no matter what you hear, you and your family have to stay in the basement, okay?" Cielo told the mother.

The mother nodded at her and went through the door to the basement. She closed the door and followed Dean and Diana. Just as they entered the living room, Cielo heard Sam talking to Ruby. "Alright, you win, what do I have to do?"

"What do you mean?" Ruby asked Sam.

"To save Dean," Sam clarified. "What do you need me to do?"

Dean walked up to Sam and grabbed his shoulder. "What the hell do you think you're doing?"

"Just shut up for a second. Ruby?"

"You had your chance," Ruby says. "You can't just flip a switch. We needed time."

"There has to be something," Cielo said, already on the verge of tears as the clock ticked. "There has to be some way. Whatever it is, I'll do it. Leave Sam and Dean and Diana completely out of it. I'll die for real, if I have to."

"No," Dean and Sam said sternly.

Cielo looked over at the brothers and shook her head, tears brimming her eyes. "If it weren't for me, Dean wouldn't be dying right now," she said. "I am not letting you go to Hell," she told Dean.

"You're not going anywhere," Sam told her sternly. "I— Dean!" Dean grabbed Sam's shoulders, forcing him to turn to look at him. "I'm not gonna let you go to Hell, Dean!"

"Yes, you are!" Dean screamed. "You both are," he told Cielo. Everyone was silent, waiting for the next thing Dean was gonna say. "I'm sorry. I mean, this is all my fault." He looked at Cielo. "Mine. You hear? Not yours. But what you're doing, it's not gonna save me. It's only gonna kill you and Sam."

"Then, let it!" Cielo cried. "I'm not even supposed to be alive right now, Dean."

"What am I supposed to do?" Sam asked Dean.

"Keep fighting," Dean replied. "All three of you. You're gonna keep fighting and take care of my wheels." Cielo sobbed, letting Diana hug her close to her body. "Sam, remember what Dad taught you... okay? And remember what I taught you." Dean walked over to Cielo and all she could do was look up at him. He smiled at her, tears brimming his eyes at Cielo's heartbreak. "Take care of my little brother, okay? Never let him tell you 'no'."

Cielo sobbed, wrapping her arms around Dean's neck. Dean closed his eyes, a tear falling down his left cheek as he hugged her back. He cradled her head, kissing the side of it gently. And when they separated, the clock chimed.

Everyone waited for something to happen. "I'm sorry, Dean," Ruby says. "I wouldn't wish this upon my worst enemy."

Sam opens his arm for Cielo, tears streaming down his face. She accepts, still holding Diana's hand. They look at Dean as he turns his head slowly. He has a terrified look in his eyes. One that neither of them could understand why it was there.

"Hellhound," he says.

"Where?" Sam asks.

Dean doesn't take his eye off the hellhound, but neither of them see it. "There," he replies. There was nothing there. Not anything that Sam, Cielo, or Diana could see, at least. There's a bark, and suddenly everyone is running from the hellhound that they couldn't see. The girls and Sam are holding the door closed while Dean is messing with his hex bag, trying to get the dirt out to spread by the door. Cielo's heart is beating faster than anything.

Dean places the dirt and then the shaking door stop, and so does the barking. Dean runs to place the dirt on the window sills. "Give me the knife, maybe I can fight it off," Ruby tells Sam.


"Come on! That dust won't last forever."

Sam is about to give her the knife until Dean interrupts. "Wait."

Ruby glares at Dean. "You want to die?"

"Sam, that's not Ruby." The group are suddenly panicking again. "It's not Ruby!"

Just as they're about to attack her, whoever was walking in Ruby's meatsuit flung them against the wall and threw Dean across the room. "How long you been in her?" Dean asks her.

"Not long... But I like it. It's all grown-up and pretty." The eyes flashed white.

"And where's Ruby?" Sam questioned.

"She was a very bad girl, so I sent her far, far away."

"You know, I should have seen it before. But you all look alike to me."

She turns her head and walks towards Sam. "Hello, Sam," she says. "I've wanted to meet you for a very long time." Cielo gags when (who she now connected) Lilith kisses Sam. "Your lips are soft."

Sam turns his head away from Lilith, wanting nothing more than to kick her away. "Alright, so you have me. Let my brother go."

"Silly goose. You want to bargain, you have to have something that I want." Lilith clicked her tongue. The sound alone made chills go down Cielo's spine. "You don't."

"So, this is your big plan, huh?" Dean asked from the table. "Drag me to Hell, kill them, and then what— become Queen Bitch?" There was a strain in Dean's voice as he had to try to keep his head up.

"I don't have to answer to puppy chow," Lilith said. She walked to the door slowly and opened the door. "Sic him, boy," she said in a mocking tone.

Cielo was about to throw up. There's a growl and then a loud bark as it nears Dean. The Hellhound drags Dean off the table and onto the floor. Dean screams as the Hellhound starts clawing at his torso. "NO! STOP!" Sam screams.

"STOP!" Cielo and Diana scream as blood gushes out from gashes the Hellhound leaves.

Dean screams in agony while the three cry, completely helpless.

"NO!" They scream as Dean's screams quiet down.

"Yes," Lilith sighs. There's suddenly a bright light that Lilith releases and they all fell from the wall. Neither were sure if it was supposed to do something, but they did their best to shield their eyes from the light. When it's gone, Diana and Cielo stay on the ground as Sam stands up and tries to kill Lilith with the knife. Only to find that Lilith leaves before Sam can stab her. The vessel falls limp by Dean and Cielo is the first to move towards him. She's shaking as she crawls over to him.

She sobs when she gets to him. "Oh, my God," she cries. Her hand shakes as she reaches out to touch his cheek. "This is all my fault," she sobs. "He's dead because of me."

Diana reaches her and pulls her away from Dean, letting her sob loudly into her. Diana cries, closing her eyes to not see him. She's rocking her and shushing her gently. Diana is trying to stay strong, but she sobs and hugs Cielo harder. Sam is crying over Dean's body, wishing that it wasn't real. That Dean isn't dead. That he'll wake up any minute.

But as the minutes pass. He doesn't.


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