Chapter Forty-Six

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Dean and Diana are sharpening stakes while Cielo is sharpening her bows at the table by Sam. After the case with Patrick and the poker games, Sam and Cielo were visibly getting closer and it was slowly getting to the point where nothing ever changed. They were back to sleeping on the same bed every night and standing or sitting next to each other regularly. Diana was still a bit skeptical, thinking that maybe they should slow down, but Dean was just happy to see them good with each other instead of her after Sam's throat.

Neither of them really noticed how much had changed from the months prior.

Sam is staring at the walkie talkie on the table, lost in his thoughts and not thinking of anything in particular until there was a sudden man talking through it catching his and Cielo's attention. "Uh, dispatch? I got a possible 187 out here at the old paper mill on Route 6."

Cielo glances up at Sam to see his reaction, seeing his eyebrows furrowed and the same two creases that appear when he does. "Hey," Sam says, catching Diana and Dean. He turns up the volume on the radio for them to hear.

"What are you looking at, son?" Cielo hears the other man ask.

"Honestly, Walt, I wouldn't even know how to begin to describe what I'm seeing. Just, um, send everybody."

"Alright, stay calm. Stay by your car. Help is on the way."

Sam switches the radio off and Dean finally speaks. "That sounds weird."

"Weird enough to be our guy?" Diana questions, setting down her pocketknife.

Dean makes a face, nodding with a small shrug. Cielo sighs, sitting up in her seat and putting down her tool to sharpen the arrows. "Alrighty then."

The group makes it to the old paper mill soon enough and get out of the Impala. Cielo looks up at the building, placing her hands on her hips. "Lovely," she says, squinting a bit, even though the clouds were gray.

"There was a murder here..." Dean trails off. "And there's no police cars— there's nobody." Sam walks around Cielo and meets Dean at the trunk. "How does that look to you?" Cielo closes her door, leaning against the car with droplets covering the roof of the car.

"Suspicious," Diana says with a funny tone.

"Crappy," Sam says, looking directly at Diana. She shrugs, smiling innocently.

Cielo gets up from the car, going to stand in between the brothers as Dean opens the trunk and reveals the arsenal. He grabs a stake and a flashlight, handing it to Sam, and then grabbing Cielo's arrow holster. She takes it from him, slipping it over her shoulder and takes the arrow itself. Once him and Diana have their weapons, Cielo grabs an arrow especially made for demigods with a wooden tip and freshly dipped in whatever blood they had used (the three of them refuse to tell her what kind of blood they kept in the arsenal).

They walk up to the door; Cielo positions the arrow and Dean gets a good grip on the stake. But the second they walk into the door, it's like they transported into a whole new place. Because unlike the exterior of the building, the inside was a clean, modern building with a long hallway and people in scrubs or hospital gowns walking around.

The weapons are gone, and Cielo is suddenly in a pair of teal scrubs with a stethoscope draped around her neck. Her top is tucked into her pants and she's suddenly got white sneakers on her feet. She looks up at Diana, who's inspecting the white lab coat closely and the name tag that reads "Dr. Singer."

"What the hell?" Dean questions and Cielo finally looks up at the brothers and feels her breath get caught in her throat at the sight of Sam in scrubs.

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