Chapter Sixty-Four

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    Cielo stands right behind Sam with her arms crossed and daggers aimed at the one and only, Becky Rosen. Sam scribbles his signature on the divorce papers and slams the pen down, sliding both the papers and the pen over to the psychotic woman in front of him.

    "It..." Becky sighs, looking at Sam hopefully. "It wasn't all bad, right?"

    Sam only stares blankly at her, giving her her answer. Cielo glares at her again, her knuckles starting to turn white from how hard she was clenching her fists. If looks could kill...

    Sam rolls his eyes and shakes his head. "Okay, y-you did save my life, and for that, thanks." Sam speaks in a monotone, one that was obvious he wanted to leave and never go back.

    "So, I'll see you again?" Becky asks, a hopeful look in her eyes.

    Cielo hums with a sarcastic smile. "Hmm... no." Becky's smile falls as she finally looks up at Cielo and really notices just how angry she was.

    After a second, Becky picks up the pen and signs her signature on the papers and slides it back to Sam. He takes it from her, feeling the excitement that he'll be able to marry Cielo literally whenever they wanted to, especially now that this one wasn't going to hang over his head.

    He looks back at Becky and rubs his temples, putting his elbow on the table. "Becky, look. You're not a loser, okay?"

    "I beg to differ," Diana mumbles to Dean, who snickers.

    "You're a good person, a-and you've got... a lot of... e-energy." Cielo wanted to laugh at the physical strain that Sam had. "So, you know, just do your thing, whatever that is, and the right guy will find you."

    Cielo rolls her eyes a little bit, somehow landing on Garth, whose eyebrows raise a bit and a grin slightly appears. He fixes his hair as Dean looks over at him. "No," Dean tells him. Garth's smile falls a bit. "No."

    Garth nods sadly, looking back down at his shoes.

    Cielo looks back at Becky, tapping her finger against her arm. "I think me and Becky need to have a girl talk," she says, raising an eyebrow. Sam makes a subtle face, one that has him thinking 'oh shit' as Becky stands and leads the way to her bedroom.

    "Oh shit," Dean says, voicing Sam's thoughts.

    Cielo closes the door behind them and Becky stands in front of her anxiously. "Do you realize how much you screwed up?" Cielo demands, looking at Becky. "You, quite literally, drugged my husband, and took advantage of him. I know we're the law breakers, but they would've never thought to do sexual assault, Becky!"

    "I know, I'm sorry," Becky sighs.

    "Are you?" Cielo questions. "I put up with your shit three years ago and you're telling me that you're sorry? You knew me and Sam were together, and couldn't leave it alone, could you?"

    Becky frowns, looking down at the ground. From reading the few pages of the books that she's read, it was obvious that Cielo and Sam were gonna remain together with nothing to break them apart (aside from Ruby, but she was dead now). It was obvious that there was nothing that was going to break them up, so what went through Becky's head that made her think that she'd somehow be able to have Sam?

    "You'll find a guy on your own, but until then, this better be the last time I hear of you, Becky Rosen."

    With that, Cielo turns away, leaving Becky's room and walks past the four people quietly waiting for her as they watch her leave in silence. There's pride and shock written all over Sam's face as he watches her walk away.

    "You should get on with it," Dean suddenly says to Sam as they follow Cielo out of the apartment.

    "With what?"

    "Go to the courthouse," Dean clarifies. "Make it official. Again."

    Sam bites the inside of his cheek, contemplating it. He would like to. He can already imagine the wedding band on his finger. He hums for a second and nods. "I'll talk to her," he says. "When she's not that pissed off anymore."

    Dean snorts, stepping outside. "Man whore."

    Sam gapes, upset that he fell for it. "Dude!"


    The applause from the four guests and the cheering from two as well as whistles made Cielo smile as she kissed Sam. Their official wife-and-husband kiss in the courtroom, led by a random judge and Jody as a witness (per Bobby's request since she knew of their lifestyle and how official papers wouldn't do well in their name). Diana and Bobby clapped as Bobby's eldest daughter cheered, bouncing on her heels happily and Dean whistled for his brother proudly.

    None of them ever thought this day would actually happen, but here they were, Cielo in the same white dress she wore to that one party years ago (it was all she had last minute. It's always in her bag in case she needs it again) and Sam in his FBI getup as well as the rest of their family. Aside from Diana, who was wearing a pair of jeans and a nicer shirt.

    Leaving the courthouse, neither Cielo or Sam could stop smiling. "I'm glad you showed up, Sheriff," Bobby says. "Woulda been a mess if they realized who these are."

    "Oh, it's no problem," Jody says with a sweet, motherly smile. "I'm glad I got to see you two get married."

    Cielo and Sam look at each other and smile even wider if possible. "Thank you, Jody," Cielo says sincerely.

    "I should get back to work and lock up the actual bad guys," Jody says to the group before wrapping her arms around Cielo. "Congratulations, sweetie," she tells her, making Cielo's heart melt. She then hugs Sam.

    As she leaves in her truck, Cielo grins, wrapping her arm around Sam's and holding his hand. "Alright, here," Dean says, holding out the keys to Baby. "My wedding gift. Head out for a few days."

    Hesitantly, Sam takes the keys. "You're letting us take your car?"

    Dean takes in a shaky breath, almost wanting to deny it but Diana interjects. "Yes," Diana says, elbowing Dean. "He is."

    Cielo raises her eyebrows, looking at Dean. "Whoa."

    "Leave before I change my mind," Dean snaps. "Your stuff is already in the car."

    "What...?" Sam trails off.

    "It was a three person job," Diana says. "We'll be at Rufus's cabin. You know where that is, don't you?"

    "Of course," Sam replies, still holding the keys hesitantly.

    "Good. We'll see you in a few days," Diana finishes, walking to Bobby's car with Bobby following.

    "Sam, if one thing happens to the car..." Dean threatens, pointing his finger at them both rather than just Sam.

    "Dean, let's go!" Bobby calls from the car.

    Dean grunts a little bit, walking off to the car. It was clearly not his choice to give the couple his car for the weekend.

    "We better go before he steals the keys back," Cielo says to Sam, chuckling a little bit in amusement.

    "Right," Sam laughs, walking with his new wife to the car.

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