Chapter Forty-One

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Dean pulls Cielo behind him and she grabs Sam's hand, holding it tightly as if afraid that he's gonna leave again. They try to leave the chapel, but the doors close the second they reach them. Cielo turns, not being able to look anywhere but the bright light shooting up from the circle of blood that the final seal had left. Her heart speeds up ten times faster when the light got closer and closer to them.

There's a screeching ring, one that Cielo is sure is how it was described when Dean told her about the ringing he heard at the gas station when he came topside. She's the first to cover her ears and falls on her knees. Neither of the brothers can think of something to do other than hope that their inevitable death would be quick.

And then, they're zapped out of there. Cielo opens her eyes slowly, slowly dropping her hands and looking around her. She's sitting on a plane in between the brothers and she's wondering how the hell she got there. "What the hell?" Dean voices her thoughts.

"I don't know," Sam responds.

Sam looks over at Cielo, examining her to make sure she was alright. After everything, if she suddenly wasn't going to be okay, it would really be the death of him. There's a soft dig over her and the voice of the pilot. "Folks, quick word from the flight deck. We're just passing over Ilchester, then Ellicott City, on our initial descent into Baltimore..."

Cielo looks over at Dean. "Illchester... weren't we just there?"

"So, if you'd like to stretch your legs, now would be a good time to— Holy Crap!"

The plane starts tilting aggressively; she grabs the oxygen mask, putting it over her head and closing her eyes, praying to whatever God was listening to just end it.


Cielo didn't know how long it had been. Between Lucifer getting out of the cage, almost dying on a plane— again, and having to process everything, she seemed completely numb. Sam sat her down on one of the beds and she hadn't moved an inch since they got to the motel. She didn't hear when Dean or Sam tried talking to her, she couldn't think or feel a thing. She wondered where Bobby and Diana were and if they were okay. She wondered if they knew where she was or if they were looking for her as well as Dean.

She lets out a breath as there's a knock on the door. That seemed to be the only thing that got her attention. Sam got up from his place at the table and walked cautiously to the door while Dean cocked his gun, ready to shoot if he needed to. Cielo watched quietly as Sam bent down slightly to look through the peephole on the door. He pulled it open, revealing a girl who had to be younger than 30. 25 at most. Cielo had to lean over to get a look at her. She furrowed her eyebrows at the sight.

The girl gasped at Sam, making Cielo cock her head to the side out of confusion. "You okay, lady?" Sam asked her.

"Sam..." she said, her voice breaking, "is it really you?" Sam looks back at Cielo and Dean, missing when the girl took a step forward and placed her hand on Sam's chest. Cielo cringed, sitting back up, this time more attentive. "And you're so firm."

Cielo looked over at Dean with the same cringe. Dean shrugged at her and looked back at the girl touching Sam. "Uh, do I know you?" Sam asked her.

The girl took her hand back and replied. "No. But I know you. You're Sam Winchester. And you're..." she looks at Dean and her smile falls. "Not what I pictured." Cielo snorts quietly, running her fingers through her hair. "I'm Becky." She walks in, finally seeing Cielo. "Diana?" She questions.

Cielo purses her lips and shakes her head. "Nope."

"Oh." She shrugs and turns back to the brothers. "I read all about you guys. And I've even written a few—" she giggles nervously, making Cielo widen her eyes slightly. "Anyway... Mr. Edlund told me where you were."

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