Chapter Sixty-Seven

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As the four sit in the restaurant in Bodega Bay for lunch with Annie, Cielo sits on her phone with her hand wrapped around her glass of Sprite for whenever she wanted a drink of it. She was just messing around, really. Not doing anything in particular, let alone anything on Dick Roman like Dean was in the newspaper.

They were sitting in the corner, no surprise, with tall windows behind both the boys. Cielo admired the gloomy clouds and the way they looked over the water. It was comfortable.

"Hey, get this," Dean says, making all of them look up at him. "Dick Roman is funding another archaeological dig," he reads, glancing up at Sam. "Guy moved more dirt than 'the drudge report.'"

"Well, anything on what he's digging for?"

Cielo scrunches her nose slightly in memory of the night her and Bobby got shot. She saw the papers, read them, yet for the life of her, she couldn't remember what they said. She saw the numbers and remembered seeing them, but she couldn't remember what they were pointing to. She remembered grabbing the folder and she wondered if they got it from the van, but it clearly looked like they didn't.

Dean looks up at Sam with a 'duh' expression. "Don't you think I would have led with that?" He sasses.

Cielo rolls her eyes and goes back to her Instagram scrolling and lets out a low yawn. She hears Sam sigh impatiently. "Annie's not usually this late, is she?"

Dean looks up at this, looking around the restaurant. "No, never." He closes the newspaper and folds it over. "She's totally compulsive. I'll try her cell."

Cielo turns off her phone and sets it on the table before sitting up in her seat and grabbing her glass of Sprite. "You know, uh, you know she and Bobby had a thing, right?" Sam questions.

To this, Cielo and Diana share a look, both with silly grins as they take sips from their drinks. "Yeah," Dean replies. No, he didn't. "Yeah, I knew that." Cielo swallows the sip of her soda and sets the glass back down. "Really?"

"Mhm," Diana replies. "Foxhole thing— very Hemingway."

"Huh," Dean says, clearly amused and brings his phone up to his ear. As it rings, Dean starts speaking again. "She and I kind of went Hemingway this one time, too."

Cielo gapes, covering her mouth. Sam nods his head, "Alright, well... that happens." Hers and Diana's eyes widen at Sam's apologetic grimace.

Dean takes his phone from his ear and faces it towards his shoulder as he looks at Sam. "Wait, you too?"

"Look, it was a while back," Sam chuckles nervously. "We ended up on the same case. She was... stressed. I-I-I... I didn't have a soul."

Cielo gives an amused laugh behind her hand and looks over at Diana. She drops her hand and looks at all three people at the table. "Wait a minute," she laughs. "You're telling me that you all slept with Annie?"

"All?" Dean questions in shock, looking over at Diana. She shrugs sheepishly, sinking down into her seat.

Cielo purses her lips, laughing again and shaking her head. "Lot of foxholes, you guys. Lot of foxholes."

Dean, shocked that practically his whole family slept with the same girl, brought his phone back up to his ear before shaking his head and bringing it down. "She's not answering," he says, closing the phone. Sam lets out a long breath, looking back down at the menu. "Well," Dean begins, taking out Bobby's flask and unscrewing the top, "here's to ghosts that aren't there."

"You sound disappointed," Cielo comments, her elbows on the table and her hands intertwined. She listens to the droplets of whiskey as they land in his coffee.

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