Chapter Eighty-One

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Beep. Beep. Beep.




Cielo glared at the monitors, the beeping already giving her a migraine no matter how hard she tried to ignore it. But, focusing on the monitors kept her from crying and if she's gonna glare at them and imagine them blowing up and Sam waking up instead of breaking down in this hospital room, then so be it. Her gaze accidentally shifts to Sam on the bed, making her heart sink all over again.

He was completely out. Nothing could wake him up from whatever he was in. She didn't stop him in time and she didn't put an end to the trials sooner. Sam could've been awake and working on a different way to close the gates if she had forced him to not do the trials. Those damn trials.

She huffs, already feeling her throat start to ache, and looks up at the T.V. to try and get her mind away from the intrusive thoughts of going to Dean's car and stabbing Crowley (who she forced into the trunk of the Impala) until he was beyond dead. She smiled a little to herself. The look he gave her when she opened the trunk and looked at him expectantly. He looked at her like she grew a second head.

Finally, she zoned back in and finally started paying attention to the T.V. Every news channel had clips and recordings of the angels falling from Heaven with "GLOBAL METEOR SHOWER" written across the bottom. If only they knew. Cielo chews on the inside of her cheek anxiously, staring at the television mindlessly until her attention is drawn to the male doctor who comes in with a clipboard and the scans from Sam's MRI scan. Cielo smiles politely at him as he introduces himself and shakes her hand and takes note of the nametag on the white lab coat he wore. Dr. Lewis.

Cielo watches as he places Sam's scans on the board and flicks on the light, revealing the scans. Cielo shudders, looking at them intently. Most of the doctor's words go through one ear and out the other, however, as she tries to make sense of the photos in front of her. When she gives up in trying to figure them out, she starts listening to him again.

"The MRI shows massive internal burns affecting many of the major organs," Dr. Lewis explains, reading off his notes and taking more notes on Sam's state in the bed. Notes with the worst handwriting, probably. "Oxygen to the brain has been severely deprived." The girl turns toward him, giving him more of her attention as she walks around him to the other side of the bed to look at Sam, though he gave her not so much as a glance. "The coma is the result of the body doing everything in its limited power to protect itself from further harm."

Cielo stays silent, still staring at Sam who laid motionless with absolutely no sign of getting better. This wasn't supposed to happen.

The doctor notices her silence. She was staring mindlessly at him, a sad look on her once bubbly features. "If your husband continues on this trajectory," Lewis begins, making her look up at him with the same furrowed eyebrows, "the machines might keep him alive, but—"

"He'll be dead," she finishes, her voice small and sounding like her entire world was crumbling down in front of her. It was. Sam was basically dead and she had no idea how to fix him or the situation they were in now.

"Technically, yes," Dr. Lewis finishes sympathetically. "I'm afraid so."

Afraid so.

Maybe Someday; Sam WinchesterWhere stories live. Discover now