Chapter Seventy-Seven

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"I'm not ready, I'm not ready," Cielo kept repeating after the doctor said it was time to push. She looked up at Sam, her fear completely evident as she grips onto his hand. He wished there was something more he could do for her, but the horror she had when her water broke and when the doctor brought out the needle for the epidural, there wasn't much he could do.

Their baby was coming, whether they were ready or not.

"You'll be okay," Sam promises quickly, holding her hand. "I'm gonna be here the entire time."

"What if I'm not a good mom?" She questions, tears filling her eyes. "What if something happens?"

"Nothing will," Sam promises again. "We're in this together."

"Sam," she cries, a tear falling from the side of her eye.

"One big push, ready?" The doctor says, sitting at the foot of the bed.

"No, no, no," Cielo tries to say, using her free hand and gripping the rail of the bed like if she was at the top of a roller coaster, waiting for the big drop.

"You'll be okay," Sam says again. "Ready? Just breathe through it." Sam doesn't look away from Cielo's eyes as she takes in deep breaths and nods.

"Push!" The doctor says. Cielo immediately does. Even if it didn't hurt that much, physically, she gripped tightly on Sam's hand. He didn't care that he suddenly couldn't feel his hand. He winced a little bit as her nails dug into his skin, but he's had worse.

After more pushes and even more curses accidentally directed more towards Sam since he was the one who impregnated Cielo, the angry cries finally coursed through the hospital room as the doctor called out that the baby, indeed was, a girl.

"Oh, my God," Cielo mumbles tiredly as the baby is placed on her chest. Instinctively, Cielo's hands wrap around the small baby as the baby's warmth travels through her chest. "Oh, my God," she says again, this time laughing a little bit at the shock that the baby was there.

"Told you," Sam says gently, not able to peel his eyes away from his daughter. "Old wives tales."

Cielo laughs up at him, cuddling her daughter as Sam presses kisses onto Cielo's forehead. After a few moments, the baby's taken to get cleaned up while they clean up Cielo. Cielo has tears streaming down her cheeks from the rush of hormones coursing through her in the moment as the baby cries and cries, just wanting to be with her mother.

"She's perfect," Sam tells her with tears in his eyes. "You did so well."

Cielo sniffles, smiling up at Sam. "I didn't mean it when I called you a dick for having a dick," she laughs.

Sam laughs, shaking his head. "I know."

"Oh, my God, Sam, we have a baby," Cielo said, the shock coming back. "Sam, we're parents."

Sam laughs again, kissing Cielo sweetly as they bring back their baby. A little pink cap on her head as she's wrapped in a hospital blanket, now a bit calmer. Cielo holds her close to her chest, staring down at her with adoration. "Hi, mi amor," she whispers to the baby. Sam is right next to Cielo, an arm wrapped around her shoulder and a hand reaching up to caress the baby's features. Her cheek and her hand that's poking up from the blanket.

"Hi, Stella," Sam whispers, his large thumb taking up the entirety of Stella's hand. Cielo laughs a little bit again, wiping her tears with her free hand as she thinks about the dream she had what felt like ages ago.

"It suits her so well," she sniffles.

Sam blushes a bit, having been the one to come up with the name. The universe was wild.


It's not long after that Diana and Dean come into the room, taking quiet steps not to disturb anything. Sam is holding Stella now, staring out of the window to stare at nothing as Stella slept against his bare chest for the skin-on-skin contact the nurse had been talking about earlier. Cielo fell asleep a little while ago, leaving Sam to Stella. He didn't mind. In the few hours she'd been born, she'd only cried four times, which was weird since every book said that babies cry super often.

Diana brought her hands up to her mouth as she saw the baby in Sam's arms and resisted the urge to start bawling right then and there. Dean just kinda stared at her at first, not sure how to respond.

"Oh, my God," Diana whispers, approaching Sam. "Can I hold her?"

Sam nods immediately, wrapping the baby up with the blanket and handing Stella over to Diana carefully. Once she's safely in Diana's grasp, Sam slips his shirt back on. Dean looks at Stella, caressing the top of her head carefully over the cap. Something in him completely melts. She already has him wrapped around her finger and he'd only known her for a few minutes.

Once Cielo's awake and smiling at Diana and Dean, she smiles even more as Dean holds Stella, not daring to give her back to Sam or Cielo. They were gonna be partners in crime, that was for sure.

When Cielo thought about kids, she always said she wanted to have them before she was 30. Obviously, given the circumstances, it was put off because of the end of the world and all. Now, being 30, she didn't think she would have kids because of their lifestyle. Yet, here she was, turning 31 in the coming September with a baby. Her impossible goal was met and she couldn't physically be any more happier than she was with Sam and their daughter.

"So?" Diana questions. "What's her middle name?"

"Blue," Sam answers. Diana cringes subtly, but waits for the explanation. "Jess always said she would name her first born Blue. So Stella is Stella Blue in Jess' honor."

Cielo held her head up high out of pride. Sam didn't believe Cielo at first when she said that she wanted to name their child after Jess, but when he realized she was serious, he told her about the name.

It could be weird having a color as your middle name, but the good thing was that it was a middle name. Not the name you'd be going by for the rest of your life unless you really wanted to.

"Stella Blue, huh?" Dean says, looking down at the baby in his arms. "I like it."

"Stella means 'star' in Latin," Cielo began. "So, put together, her name would be Blue Star."

"Oh, my God, wait, that's so cute," Diana finally says.

Sam was proud of the name he chose. He didn't even know where it came from. It was just something that came to him, cheesy enough. And now that he says her name while looking at the baby, it really does suit her.

He suddenly thought about Jess. How if she were still here, Cielo wouldn't have had his daughter. Maybe she would've. Maybe in another universe, they would've broken up and he would've ended up with Cielo anyway.

Either way, they were together now. They were married and had their baby and their family. They didn't need a single thing. To them, this was all they needed.

To be together.

Maybe Someday; Sam WinchesterWhere stories live. Discover now