Chapter Forty-Eight

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"So?" Diana questions, letting the nail polish brush glide over Cielo's nail.

"So what?" Cielo asks in return, watching the black color consume her nail.

"You and Sam?" Cielo sighs, figuring that it was about time that Diana asked about it. "What's going on?"

Diana puts the brush back in the bottle and uses her own nail to clean up the sides of Cielo's. "Honestly, I don't know. It's like... like we're back together, but we haven't had an actual discussion about what we were," she admits, watching as Diana moves on to the next nail. "I know about just as much as you."

"Have you tried bringing it up?"

Cielo bit the inside of her cheek and shrugged her shoulders. "A couple times, but then you and Dean walked in."

Diana snorts, letting go of her finger to move on to the last one. "We're together all the time, you can't get any alone time."

Cielo laughs lightly, shaking her head. She actually didn't know where the Winchesters were. She knew they had left to go after something for the case they were on, but she couldn't remember if they specified. "I want us to be together again," she murmurs. "Like, officially. But where we are right now, it's almost as if this is the best that we're gonna get. Especially with Lucifer walking around free and all."

"Well, wouldn't you like to have said that you were in an official relationship instead of an exclusive one before you died?" Diana asks playfully, letting her hand go and motioning to the other hand.

"Of course," Cielo answers, giving her the other hand and waving the one with the wet nails gently. "But how am I supposed to bring it up to him? Just flat out ask him what we are?"



"Ci, you gotta understand that the overall fact is that you're gonna end up together one way or another. Just like Zachariah said that one time and just like Cas said. Being exclusive and all is nice but if he's not gonna bring it up, you're gonna have to."

Cielo groans quietly, letting her shoulders slump and her back slouch. "I know."

"And it's not like it should be harder this time around," Diana continues, moving on to her other finger. "This would be your second time dating."

"It's different this time. This comeback is under different circumstances."

"But it's still you and Sam."

Cielo nods, watching as Diana paints her middle nail. She looks down at her other hand, making sure the polish hadn't messed up. "Yeah."

"Tell you what. Once the boys get back, I'll get me and Dean out of here so you and Sam could talk. Yeah?"

"You would do that?" Cielo questions.

"Cielo. I'm your sister. Of course I would. And Winger needs to make an official comeback, it's weird knowing that you're not calling each other boyfriend and girlfriend."

Cielo smiles, but Diana doesn't look up from the pointer finger. "Do you miss Bela?"

Diana sighs dramatically, looking up for just a second. "Every damn day."

Cielo laughs and she stays quiet for Diana to finish painting her nails.


As promised, when Sam and Dean get back, Diana grabs her jacket and drags Dean out of the room. Dean is trying to protest, but Diana continues to drag him out. Once he's out of the room, Diana pops her head back in, "And—"

Cielo already knew what she was going to say. "Shh."

Diana grins, leaving the room and closing the door behind her. "What's going on?" Sam asks, his heart thumping a million miles per hour.

"Nothing. Nothing, don't worry," Cielo reassures. "Nothing too extreme, I promise."

Sam chuckles nervously, shrugging off his jacket. "Okay..."

"I just... I wanted to talk to you about something."

"Me too, actually," he says, taking a seat on the bed. Cielo stands, looking down at him.

"Us," she says quickly before he can. "I wanted to talk about us."

Sam lets out a breath. "Me too." He was afraid to bring it up this entire year because he was afraid of what was going through Cielo's mind and figured it wouldn't be worth screwing up whatever they had already. He loved her too much to get on with it.

"I just..." Cielo huffs, glad that Diana just painted her nails or else she would've started biting them. "I want to know where we stand, you know? After this entire year of us being together and then maybe together and then again. You know?"

Sam nods quickly. "No, yeah. I get it. You have every right to wanna know."

"So... where is that?"

Sam clears his throat, standing up and standing close enough to Cielo that he can touch her by the slightest movement of his hand. "Ci," he begins. "I love you. So, so much. So much that it hurts. Okay? And we spent so much time rebuilding what we had and I want you to know that I'm going at your pace."

Cielo feels her heart burst in happiness and love as Sam looks down at her lovingly. "My pace?"

Sam nods, hesitant to bring his hand up, but caresses her cheekbone anyway. He then cups her jaw gently. "Everything is up to you. I'm perfectly okay with whatever you decide. If you decide you wanna be together, okay. If you decide you don't want to be with me anymore..." His eyes bore into hers and he could feel his stomach doing so many flips and his heart pounding against his chest. "If you decide you don't wanna be with me anymore, that's okay, too."

Cielo takes in a shaky breath and looks down at her feet. She licks her lips in thought. Yes, she wanted to be with Sam. And she could take the opportunity right now to get her love back... but was it the right decision?

"You... you understand that what you did was wrong, don't you?" She asks him quietly, still not making eye contact. Sam hasn't moved his hand one inch and refuses to unless she pulls away.

Sam nods, even if she's not looking at him. "I do."

"And you get that you tore me to shreds?"

Sam gulps, moving his hand just a little bit to move her hair behind her ear. He nods again. "Biggest mistake of my life was hurting you, Cielo." She remains quiet for a second and looks back up at him. "I lost my best friend and the love of my life all in the same night. I really did lose everything, didn't I?"

Cielo gives a humorless chuckle, giving him a small nod. Her hands somehow find their way to rest on his chest and to him, it feels like home. "Yeah. You did."

"Cielo," he says seriously, licking his lips and staring deep into her brown eyes. He remembers how blue they used to be so many years ago, and how they gradually turned to a dark chocolate color and stayed permanently brown. They were still beautiful and made her eyes look like a puppy's. "There isn't enough time in this world to show you how sorry I am. If it takes me the rest of my life, I will make it up to you. I never should have hurt you the way I did." He bites the inside of his cheek and his eyebrows furrow slightly. "I don't want you to leave me, Cielo," he whispers. "It's your choice, of course, but I don't want you to..." He sighs and he feels his eyes burn at the thought of this being it.

"We can start over. I'll do anything. Everything can be perfect," he continues to beg. His bottom lip starts to quiver slightly. "Just please don't leave me."

"Sam," she whispers, placing her hand on top of his gently and caressing his knuckles. She doesn't say anything after that, though. She doesn't know what to say. Her silence is deafening. Sam gently places his forehead onto hers, closing his eyes and swallowing down a cry.

"Please, Cielo." His breath fans against her face and she feels a chill go down her back as she closes her eyes. "You're too good for me," he admits. "But, I can't help but want to keep you to myself."

Cielo smiles a little bit, her heart happy and everything seeming suddenly okay again. "I wouldn't wanna be with anyone else."

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