Chapter Nineteen

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"Sam?" Dean called out, waving his flashlight through the abandoned village looking thing. Cielo's heart was thumping loudly. She was walking right by Bobby with Diana on Dean's other side.

"Dean!" Cielo heard Sam call. Her breathing stopped for a second. He was okay. They can be happy now.

But then Cielo saw him. The guy she didn't know as he stood up somewhere behind him. "No..." she whispered. She started sprinting. The trio behind her were confused as to why she started running, but then Dean saw as the man bent down.

"SAM, LOOK OUT!" Dean shouted.

"CIELO, NO!" Bobby shouted in return.

The man bent down and picked up the knife from the previous fight. And just when he was about to grab Sam, Cielo pushed Sam with all her might. The man didn't process what had happened before it did.

The knife plunged under her chest, right where her lungs would be. Cielo couldn't even make a noise as the knife was plunged into her. All the noise she had left in her just left. Disappeared at the snap of a finger.

"NO!" Dean and Diana shouted together. Bobby felt the life leave his body as he saw the picture unfold. Sam looked up at the worst moment. Jake had realized what he had done, but considering that she must've meant something to Sam if she pushed him away, he furrowed his eyebrows even more and twisted the knife.

Cielo was starting to feel it. She gasped, trying anything to get air back, but it did nothing. Jake pulled out the blade and let go of the girl he stabbed. Sam scrambled to get up to catch Cielo before she fell to the ground.

Jake ran. Sam didn't pay one ounce of attention as he caught her, who fell completely limp in his arms. "Oh, my God," Sam whimpered, the realization of what happened hitting him like a bus. Bobby ran after Jake, Dean and Diana following closely behind. All three had murder on their minds.

"Oh, my God," Sam said again, his voice cracking as he struggled to keep his composure. "Why would you do that?" He sniffled.

Cielo whimpered as Sam placed his hand on the wound, trying to stop the bleeding. "You'll be okay, alright? I'm... I'm gonna get you somewhere safe and I'm gonna fix you up and you'll be as good as new, okay?" Sam sniffled again as her skin paled.

Cielo tried taking in deep breaths to calm her heart rate that was going a million miles an hour, it felt like. This was the end for her. She knew it. The blade went right through her and she was bleeding out way too much to even try and fix it. It's okay, she thought. Sam's okay.

She relaxes a little bit, despite his panic. She stays silent, looking at him, trying to take in his features as much as she could. He was the last person she wanted to see before she died because it was the end. She smiles a little bit up at him, thinking of how different he looked now than when they were 16. She thought of so many different memories in the time spent right there as her life fades away. Her life was truly flashing before her.

Sam's bottom lip quivered when he caught her stare. "Don't look at me like that, Ci, you're gonna be just fine. Okay? I promised I would always take care of you and I intend to keep that—"

"It's okay," she croaked. Cielo started to feel dizzy, even if she was laying down, as she looked up at Sam. The metallic taste making its way into her mouth. "You'll be okay." Sam wanted to scream.

Maybe Someday; Sam WinchesterWhere stories live. Discover now