Chapter Four

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While staying in Cali for the week, the group had settled on two motel rooms— one for the guys and one for the girls.

Of course, they were always adjoined rooms. The door in between the rooms always ended up remaining open because neither one of the four wanted it to be closed after the hunt that they had just been on. And mostly because of Sam.

They were all worried for him especially after seeing his girlfriend die the same way his mother did. And it hurt Cielo that her best friend was going through this. Dean knew deep down that Cielo was hurt just seeing Sam struggle that much with his thoughts.

Dean and Diana had gone out to a bar and left behind Cielo and Sam, due to their protests. Diana just wanted to get out of the room and Dean literally said "what the hell, where're we going?" Cielo and Sam decided to stay back, but she gave him his space. So she stayed in her own room and read one of the books she brought with her. She sighed and turned the page before she began to hear shuffling from the room.

She tilted her head to the direction of the door joining the two rooms, but didn't get a clear view of the beds. She saw the faint lighting of the T.V and heard even more shuffling. The girl furrowed her eyebrows and closed the book and threw it to the side. She lifted up the blankets and got out of the bed. She fixed her shorts and oversized shirt before she walked to the other room. She tried to ignore how cold the floor was on her bare feet. She lifted the glasses up her nose while she walked.

Not to invade anything, Cielo poked her head around the door and towards the beds where she saw Sam supposedly asleep. Her heart slightly sped up as she saw him shuffle around the bed again, this time taking notice of how heavy he was breathing and how sweat was starting to make his hair stick to his forehead. She put two and two together quickly. She took quick steps toward the bed and turned on the lamp on the bed in between the two. "Sam?" She questioned, hoping it'd wake him up.

When he didn't, she started to lean more towards him and shake his shoulder a bit. "Sam," she said, this time more stern.

"Jess," he mumbled in his sleep. Her heart broke a bit as his lip started to quiver. "Jess."

"Sam, c'mon, wake up." Cielo started to shake her friend with more force. "Sam!"

Sam's eyes snapped open and then squinted at the sudden bright light. "You okay?" She asked him.

"I..." Sam started to say and sighed before throwing his head back on the pillow. He covered his eyes with his hand and Cielo noticed how they trembled. "I'm sorry I woke you," Sam told his friend.

Cielo gave him a lopsided smile and shrugged. "I wasn't asleep," she said sheepishly.

Sam stared at her before looking over at the clock. "It's past 11..."

"I'm aware."

Sam chuckled a bit and Cielo sat by Sam's feet. "You're sure you're okay?" She asks him.

Sam sighed and contemplated a bit. He had trusted Cielo with his life and was there for everything. There's no reason for him to lie to her. "No," he replied. "But I will be eventually."

Cielo smiled at him sadly. "Good. Need anything before I go back to bed?" She asks.

"Maybe a foot massage and an elegant feast—"

Maybe Someday; Sam WinchesterWhere stories live. Discover now